The Hassle And Hectic Lagos Transport System



Let me just say I started using public transport after 3years break, in the city of Lagos, taking public transport is an hassle or an hustle on it own, it is not fun at all, that is one reason why most people in Lagos always make sure or dream of having a car of their own no matter how small or how old the car might be. I rarely step out of my room unless there is an urgent situation or I need to leave my environment to see a friend, most days especially on Monday, taking public transport is always hectic, I have guys who stay with me and by 5am in the morning, he is up from bed just to start getting prepare for work everyday, his work location is really far from the house and according to him, he must be out of the house before 6am or else he will be late to work. There was a day I just decide to drop him off at the nearest park one Monday morning, we went out around 5:40am if I can remember and we were at berger before 6:10am, I could see people on the street already trying to get to the park early too, so they were trying to flag down bikes.

I was surprised when we got to the park and I saw people already, lining up to get into the brt and some were trying to hop into any yellow bus immediately they stop to pick passengers, the hustle was real because some will surely get injured while dragging who will enter first. So this year since I relocated to a new environment and with the hike in price and scarcity of fuel, I decided to abandon my ride when I wanted to visit someone in my old area, taking the car at that time will cost me like 12-15k worth of fuel to and fro which is really too much for me at time point in time so I just gave up on the idea and decide to take public transport instead, we it was way cheaper because I spent 3k for the whole journey but truth be told it was a worst experience, I took keke napep first to the garage first and I had to trek just to find the yellow bus going my way and squeeze myself inside.


With 1mins, I started feeling some kind of heat and I was really sweating immediately, I had to purchase an handkerchief just to wipe it off, then odour everywhere and all, I just manage to get to the first location but when I was going back home, the first journey turned to child play because returning back home wasn't funny, I got to ketu and I had to start hustling for bus with other people, we all were on the road trying to flag them down and people were rushing, I couldn't so I just stood at a side, looking at everyone because I can't injure myself, at that point I was regretting I didn't come out with my car, would have just pay that amount for fuel and be comfortable while driving without any issue but I saw right on the road inside the hot sun just to hustle for bus.

I really hate that experience and I wish Lagos transport system can be more better, even though they created blue bus and brt just to aid the whole system, it still wasn't enough and you cant just board them without having a card which mean it will be more hard for them. I just think they should provide more brt buses and make it more easy for people to board them.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I think there should be a system that will check as when buses should be brought because imagine if the population was 50 last two years and they provided 10 buses, so they expect the population to be still 50 now?
