Opening 60 Ultimate Chests in Splinterlands


Translated by ChatGPT.

15 days ago I made a post spending 150,000 Glints to acquire 6 Legendary Draws in Splinterlands. It was an expensive expenditure but I managed to win 6 legendary cards, one of them being Gold Foil, so I consider it a positive return. But even better than evaluating my rewards with the new shop item is comparing it with the random Draws to see which seems more advantageous. For this, I needed to gather another 150,000 Glints and it took exactly an entire season!

It was a surprise to me when I opened Gwen’s Glint Shop and noticed that the random Draws had disappeared! Today a new update was published which removed the random draws and brought back the chests after many requests for the return of the "loot box" to Splinterlands! We will have only 3 levels of chests: Minor Chests, Major Chests, and Ultimate Chests, each level having its own reward percentages. I’ll leave some tables with the percentage of each chest, but you can check the official post for more details.

With 150,000 Glints it’s possible to buy 300 Major Chests or 60 Ultimate Chests. This is a tough choice and I’ll probably choose one of the two options and next season I’ll make the other choice to compare the results. Analyzing the percentages above, it’s clear that the number of common and rare cards is much higher in the Ultimate, but the Epics and Legendaries don’t increase much (there is a chance to win 1 more legendary in the Ultimate).

But when we evaluate other factors like chance of obtaining legendaries, gold foils, and Jackpot, the Ultimate Chest comes out way ahead. Since we have the Jackpot with additional prizes and opting for the Ultimate I’ll have a 60% chance (I know it doesn’t work that way, but simplifying) of winning this special prize against only 30% of the Major, I’ll choose to acquire 60 Ultimate Chests.

In the last season, 6 Legendary Draws yielded me 6 legendary cards, one of them being Gold Foil, and now with the same amount of Glints, these will be my rewards with the new Ultimate Chest:

Well my friends, I’d say it was a total disappointment 🤣 (typical of loot boxes). I received a total of 78 Energies and I’ll have to rush to spend all of it, but if I manage at least a 50% Winrate, it will be possible to acquire a reasonable amount of Glints and SPS (approximately 35,000 and 100 respectively).

Additionally, I gained very few epic cards (4), no legendary cards, no gold foil, and also didn’t hit the jackpot. This was a real defeat in terms of rewards, my friends! Since there are many chests, I’ll leave the link if you want to check all the rewards obtained in the Ultimate Chest.

60 Ultimate Chests.

With this disappointment, I bid you farewell, now I’ll have to play 40 matches in the next 2 hours to regain my energies 😅. Here’s another tip for you, don’t open several chests at once or you’ll have a lot of work to spend all the accumulated energies!

Thank you so much to everyone who read this far, I hope you enjoyed it. If you like my content, I ask you to send your vote on the post and follow my profile so you can read future posts.

If the king doesn't move then his subjects won't follow.


15 dias atrás eu fiz uma publicação gastando 150.000 Glints para adquirir 6 Legendary Draws no Splinterlands. Foi um gasto expensivo mas eu consegui ganhar 6 cartas lendárias, sendo uma delas Gold Foil, por isso considero que foi um retorno positivo. Mas ainda melhor do que avaliar minhas recompensas com o novo item da loja é compará-la com os Draws aleatórios para descobrir qual parece ser mais vantajoso. Para isso eu precisei juntar mais 150.000 Glints e isso demorou exatamente uma temporada inteira!

Foi uma surpresa para mim ao abrir o Glint Shop da Gwen e perceber que os Draws aleatórios sumiram! Foi publicada hoje uma nova atualização que removeu os draws aleatórios e trouxe de volta os baús após muitos pedidos pelo retorno do "loot box" ao Splinterlands! Teremos apenas 3 níveis de baús: Minor Chests, Major Chests e Ultimate Chests, sendo que cada nível possui suas próprias porcentagens de recompensas. Deixarei algumas tabelas com a porcentagem de cada baú, mas você pode consultar a publicação oficial para mais detalhes.

Com 150.000 Glints é possível comprar 300 Major Chests ou 60 Ultimate Chests. Essa é uma escolha bem difícil e eu provavelmente optarei por uma das duas opções e na próxima temporada farei a outra escolha para compararmos os resultados. Analisando as porcentagens acima, percebe-se que quantidade de cartas comuns e raras são bem maiores no Ultimate, mas as Épicas e Lendárias não aumentam muito (existe a chance de ganhar 1 lendária a mais no Ultimate).

Mas quando avaliamos outros fatores como chance de obter lendários, gold foils e Jackpot, o Ultimate Chest sai bem à frente. Como temos o Jackpot com premiações adicionais e optando pelo Ultimate eu terei 60% de chance (sei que não funciona assim, mas simplificando) de ganhar essa premiação especial contra apenas 30% do Major, optarei por adquirir 60 Ultimate Chests.

Na temporada passada, 6 Legendary Draws me renderam 6 cartas lendárias sendo uma delas Gold Foil, e agora com a mesma quantidade de Glints, esta serão as minhas recompensas com o novo Ultimate Chest:

É meus amigos, eu diria que foi uma decepção total 🤣 (típico de loot box). Eu recebi ao todo 78 Energias e precisarei correr para gastar isso tudo, mas caso consiga pelo menos 50% de Winrate, será possível adquirir uma quantidade razoavel de Glints e SPS (aproximadamente 35.000 e 100 respectivamente).

Além disso eu ganhei pouquíssimas cartas épicas (4), nenhuma carta lendária, nenhuma gold foil e também não consegui nada no jackpot. Essa foi uma verdadeira derrota nas recompensas meus amigos! Como são muitos baús, deixarei o link caso queiram acompanhar todas as recompensas obtidas no Ultimate Chest.

60 Ultimate Chests.

É com essa decepção que eu me despeço, agora precisarei jogar 40 partidas nas próximas 2 horas para voltar a acumular energias 😅. Essa é mais uma dica para vocês, não abram vários baús de uma só vez ou terão um grande trabalho para gastar todas as energias acumuladas!

Muito obrigado a todos que leram até aqui, espero que tenham gostado. Se vocês curtirem meus conteúdos, peço que deixem o seu voto na postagem e sigam o meu perfil para poderem acompanhar as futuras postagens.

Se o Rei não se mover, seus súditos não irão segui-lo.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Oh I was not aware of the changes may the last day maintenance was scheduled for this implementation only.
The legendary deaw are two expensive I guess. I spend some glints on same but no Gold Foil and a were normal foil. Then I spend on rare epic draw and able to fatch one legendary for that also.


I am still quite frustrated with the Ultimate Chests. Next season, I will try the Major Chest and see what the rewards will be like.



I'm glad then went back to making them look like chests!



I really enjoyed it too, I even got 4 legendaries today and finally upgraded my Quora Towershead to level 3. In a little while I'll publish a pool for you to vote between Rarity Draws and Loot Chests!


Hello, I feel discouraged to buy the "ULTIMATE CHEST"-


I also felt that the rewards weren't worth it. I'm mostly buying Major Chests


150k is a lot of Glint to not get any legendary, but it's part of the game. At left you got a gold legendary when you bought those legendary draws. How do I activate my potion when opening the draws?


If you have never changed your settings, the potions option is enabled by default. The Major Chests have been much better for me so far


Oh okay, I understand, I didn't know it was enabled by default


Click on your nickname, then settings and check that the last option is unchecked


It is a nice initiative
I did not know about the disappearance of the Legendary draws
Do you wait to the season end before shopping with Glint? or
Do you prefer to buy pack Draws as soon as you have the liquidity?


I was making the purchases at the beginning of every season, but with the addition of the energy rewards, I'll make the purchases more spread out so as not to accumulate energy unnecessarily


How is it that you can buy 100 before the price increases? I can only buy 10.



Apparently it was only like this for the first few hours, now they've reduced the amount by 10x before the next Batch 😰


Here’s another tip for you, don’t open several chests at once or you’ll have a lot of work to spend all the accumulated energies!

That's a good tip! I haven't purchased ultimate chests. From your pulls and other reactions, I don't know if I should be happy or feel bad I ignored them while chances for jackpot were high...


Some of my friends at Hivebr have won good items in the Jackpot, I wasn't so lucky 😅
