Orange Skies Times Three



I love looking at the sky

Even when the sky isn't clear there are still some amazing sights to see quite often. These three images were taken recently when we were walking to the supermarket and it was a very humid day. It was actually surprisingly unpleasant outside but we needed groceries so we went downhill to get them. When we walked back uphill, we saw these orange skies and I had to take a few pictures of them to share them.

Blurry sky

Although the colors are still amazing if you ask me, it's very clear that we are surely not looking at a perfectly clear sky during the sunset here. I mentioned it before, but I still think it's a shame as I wish I could just capture one sunset and sunrise with a clear sky. Now it looks like someone took an eraser and blended the colors together. I want to believe that it will get better after this month, but I honestly don't even know why we're looking at these unclear skies every single day. Although not visible in these images, as we're looking at land inwards and not downhill to the sea, often you can't even see where the sea ends and the sky starts. It's that blurry!

Dessert sand

When we lived in Spain several years ago, I remember that we had a night of dessert sand landing in the area where we lived (Granada area), and our balcony and terrace, including laundry (lol) were covered in red sand. It was as if someone had poured a bucket of mud on top of our terrace and balcony. I was about to get mad at our upstairs neighbors who had quite a bit of balcony up there with a lot of flowers and plants, so I assumed they were watering them and we now had everything covered with their sand. That is until I saw that the municipal square in front of our home was fully covered in this as well and when asking our friends, they told us they had the same thing a thick layer of this sand was blowing over the country so it seemed.

I wondered if this was the case now as well, I tried searching for it right after we arrived in Spain, the very first week, but the only mentions about this dessert sand were from months ago. I didn't get one hit and yet today I still wonder if this is sand in the sky, and where it comes from that it's such a long-lasting issue.

Here's to beautiful (and hopefully soon) clear skies and sunsets!

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What a beautiful way to end the day. Thanks for sharing.
