I LikeTu - Enjoy All Nature Around Us!


Loving the green around us!

With so many pictures, I need to test LikeTu

This is my first time posting on the LikeTu frontend and I honestly hope I like the experience because I can see myself publishing something here daily with all the inspiration I've been getting since we arrived in Spain. I feel blessed being surrounded by nature and I want to capture it all so that I never forget how great I felt arriving back in Spain. The fact that I can see the sea from our balcony as well as hear the birds all day topped off with constant sunshine on my face makes me feel alive and energized ready to take on whatever is in store for us.

Lovely flowers everywhere

On every corner, there's at least one house that has awesome flowers with the most amazing colors that I just have to capture. The fact that the town is filled with these bright colors is making me so happy and feel so much better than in the area we lived in Budapest. Of course, there were beautiful things there too, but not as close to us as it is now and I'm very happy to be here. We are enjoying the little things again, the sound of the wind whirling through the apartment today when the airconditioning didn't work is even enjoyable, the fresh summer breeze and ocean scent is making me realize we actually arrived in Spain after all the planning that we did, we made it. I love how everyone is enjoying being outside and gathering in the evening hours, often enjoying tapas while having a chat with family and friends.

Yes, I can get used to this lifestyle!

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Awesome sauce! I've been using @liketu the last few weeks and liking it very much. Glad you are testing it out. Kudos on your photos.



Liketu could be a gamechanger if people switch from Insta.

Great to see some of Malaga already ! I hope you are settling in well.
