The Fed


Gambler 🃏 Anti Censorship (Anti Censorship On Hive Especially)…Anti Propaganda…Anti War…Anti CentralizedPlanning…Pro Freedom!

The Fed (Not The Real Fed:)
Effort Cost Averaging
thefed reblogged

Effort Cost Averaging

Are you ready for story time with Jongo again? Here we go.... So I joined the blockchain back in December of 2017. And when I jump onboard, I saw that the majority of the…

0.73501598 BEE
My new additions to the stack!
thefed reblogged

My new additions to the stack!

I've been waiting for a big price dip to stack some more silver. I was hoping there would be a dip down into the $20 area, it hasn't gotten there yet so I decided to pick up…

0.20739687 BEE