Just Live



*The true essence of things seem to be lost to the nuances of the mundane. Like, how it used to be a big deal to fall in love, but it has not been etched in our hearts to tread wisely.* ~Mikayla

In decades before, people seemed to do things with excitement. Actually, people seemed to do life with excitement and take pleasure in the simple things. Sunsets, water, raindrops, snowflakes the scent of freshly baked cake, the taste of coffee. People never seemed to lose their childlike excitement- inner child.

In decades past, when the sun made it's descent, painting the sky with hues and shades of orange and pink, people would make a pause to just stare at it. Now, it seems like we lost the essence and beauty of things, counting it as ordinary and practical. We say the sun always set, there's nothing exciting about that. But we forget, that the sun in all it's gloriousness, gives us something to appreciate after it's harsh glare during the day.

Or when rain falls, there used to be this joy in knowing that life pauses. People take out books and indulge in it with a steaming cup of tea in hand. Lovers wrap themselves in tangled up sheets and warm bodies, reveling in the comfort of having someone close to them. If we didn't push our inner child into the darkest recesses of our minds, we would have run out to play in the rain, throwing out hands as if to catch raindrops. But it seems, all we are concerned with is waiting for the rain to stop, so we can continue with the monotony and humdrum of life.

Have you ever looked at the moon and just think, "Wow"? When the moon shines bright at night , with clouds rolling across it or when it's just a crescent complementing the stars? Do we ever stop to take anotice of how quiet and beautiful the world is in that moment? Or do we just think it's a normal thing for the moon to rise?

Or is it when coffee is boiling? And we took patience to make it, basking in the scent of fresh coffee beans. Anticipating the first sip, our taste buds salivating. Sipping it while reading the morning news or taking a walk round the park or simply sitting in the porch, waiting for the sun to fully rise. Now, it seems, we see it as something to take on the go.

It used to be a big deal to fall in love. To meet someone at first and feel this curiosity, like, "oh, I want to know you." Then friendship and familiarity, "Oh, it has always been you. I knew it would be you." To fall for someone and know the person is willing and ready to catch you. To know that you can fall with reckless abandon and not fear that you might only crash and break. To know that when you fall, you will land on softness and lightness. But now, we've been told and we have heard. "Tread with caution.", "Do not fall into love, you will only break. Walk into it, so when it ends, you don't need to pick up pieces. You only need to take your leave."

Ohh, how the mundane and ordinary has overshadowed the true beauty of life. Now, we walk with our heads bent, shoulders hunched. Trying to get to the next day, just bent on pushing forward. We don't raise our heads to the sky and understand that even the littlest and simplest things can give us the motivation to just live.

So, for few minutes or an hour, put a pause to the monotony. Do not think of how best to live. Be spontaneous and impulsive and just live. JUST LIVE!!!


I think this tendency to be out of touch with life, living in a mechanical existence thanks to the artificial environment we've created for ourselves will only increase as time goes by. Compared to previous generations, modern people are so much into their heads, they live there most of the time as opposed to living and operating from their hearts.
Great post btw, love the flow of it :)


Maybe they live in their heads mostly because life now is practical and logical, and it has no time for the simple ones, the hopeless romantics, the ones still with their inner child.
Thanks for stopping by.🤍


To a certain degree I prefer the practical part but people have generally become too logical that they miss the illogical parts of life. Creating time to connect with the inner child can make the whole life journey less mechanical or more meaningful.
You're most welcome :)
