My Actifit Report Card: June 19 2023


Hi everyone,
I hope you all are doing great.

The day was great and busy. I started work early and made changes that I pushed later to complete the pending work.
Then had some team calls. Ohh yes, today we had the feedback call as well, which was a new experience to me.
We had to share what is going well and what can be improved with the process.
It was great. Mostly new employees shared their feedback as well as some seniors.

This type of activity allows for better building of software products as the team understands each other well. Constructive feedback is a good practice as well.

On the other hand, I got a lot of emails today on my blog, that kept me busy.
I got some blog orders as well, and made deals with some new blog clients as well ( link building)
It was nice and busy but I enjoyed it as there was very low activity in the last two months.
Not every client is a paying client, so no had to do some link exchanges as well. This is a nice thing to do and better to rank sites by building up your backlink profile.
The blogging market is down the same as Crypto, but I expect more clients, so I can spare some money to buy back crypto. As the tokens will grow back when there is a bull run.
I had to sell some crypto to pay some bills as well invest in new gaming projects but I plan to buyback those with blog earnings.

Also, done some server maintenance and cleaned up my existing VPS that was unused so I can cancel it.
I have bought a lot of VPS to set up different nodes, but some services are not running anymore, so I plan to cancel some services. So I cancelled that one today and moved data to another VPS as well as restored one Node that was down for a month now.

So, in short it was a productive day for me. I made a lot of progress and I am happy with this.

The weather again was hot, and I would say not a weather to plan going out. Feeling healthy and fine.
Staying busy is fine as long as you have a productive day.

Thanks everyone for reading my post.

Have a healthy day.

Stay fit stay healthy.


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