Ladies Of Hive Contest #173: For Me The Future Matters.



Thank you for this week’s challenging question @jane1289 . Its very important for we ladies to know that all that glitters most times are not Gold 🏅

Hello Ladies ! Am happy to have the time to participate in this week’s contest as brought to us by @jane1289. Both wonderful and interesting questions. But I will like to contribute by writing and answering on the second topic which is No 2️⃣:

2️⃣ Nowadays, premarital sex is rampant among people. What if you got pregnant, and encountered rude in-laws with a partner who is incapable of standing by himself or standing up for you? Would you rather endure their maltreatment, or walk out on your relationship and raise your child alone? Why?

It has been noted ever since that relationships where a girl gets pregnant without any engagement or marriage arrangements ends up in emotional disaster. But its very unfortunate that most times its the women that suffers it all, where had I known becomes the regretting words.

This is so challenging considering how many times, women who are caught up in this ends up nothing knowing what to do because of abandonment from the man or from her own parents. Also, considering age, financial status, awareness and fear of the unknown, they are forced to want to try to condone the Rude In-laws.

Answering This Question:

I will never start what I know I can not finish. Getting pregnant with someone who can not stand up for himself is the first sign I see that will warn me to stay at alert. Any man who can not stand up for himself can never stand up for any woman in any circumstances , so it will be very hard promising myself that I can be able to tolerate his parents and siblings. Its a whole lots of devastating situation to want to cope with rude in-in-laws especially when the entire family know that their son does not care about you. This all boils down to you being alone.


No matter how strong a woman is emotionally, maltreatment from rude in-laws is the worst she could stand because this has to do with them (the family) wanting to frustrate you. I can never stay in such a relationship because I want my child to bear someone’s name or have a father. Number one factor to consider is my health and well-being. For me to stay fit for nine (9) months to be able to have a healthy baby, I need emotional stability which will help the child develop healthily.

I will definitely consider walking away from the relationship, although I know its never going to be easy. The may fact that you are all alone can make one fall into depression, but for you to do it and come around, you will have to persevere, facing all consequences and staying strong. Its better for me to have that peace of mind that will enable me build a great future with my child, than stay in an environment where I have no future with the people around me, because the future can turn out great if we work harder. And better opportunities can also present itself once you are alone as a single mother.

Thank you for coming along this publish. Sending love Ladies 🥰.

All photos are my personal shots.



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Indeed it is best not to start what we cannot finish, getting pregnant for an incompetent man should never be am option. But if the mistake happens and we are being mistreated by the family, it's best to leave as you say
