The power of Emotional Freedom

Using the Emotional Freedom - Flying on the Wings of Self-confidence method, you can achieve an improved level of emotional and physical well being. EFT is also a powerful tool for helping people overcome their fears and anxieties. This technique uses tapping, a process which involves stroking the fingertips on specific points around the body. Some users claim that tapping restores the body's energy balance, which relieves many of the symptoms of negative experiences.

EFT, or the Emotional Freedom technique is a psychological acupressure technique used to alleviate stress, anxiety, and worry. It is based on the latest scientific and medical research. It has been designed to be easy to use and free from esoteric dogmas. There are a variety of EFT courses available to help you learn this ancient art of healing.


Using the Emotional Freedom -Flying on the Wngs of Self-confidence technique can be applied in a variety of situations, such as to deal with an illness or to improve performance at work or in sport. Some studies suggest that it can be effective in managing stress, fatigue, and depression. It is also a good tool to use in combination with other stress-relieving techniques. EFT may also improve the performance of the body's "energy system", which is composed of energy circuits (meridians) that run throughout the body.

There are various EFT courses available, including online ones. However, it is not recommended to use this method for more serious problems, such as depression, panic attacks, or substance abuse. You can also find EFT courses that focus on more common ailments, such as stress, insomnia, and anxiety. You can also find courses that teach you how to use tapping to overcome physiological obstacles, such as a cold, cough, or an upset stomach.

Using the Emotional Freedom technique is the best way to tackle stress. It has been found to be effective at reducing cortisol levels, which can contribute to many ailments when chronically elevated. Some studies have also shown that EFT can be effective at eliminating symptoms associated with depression, such as fatigue, stress, and anxiety.

The Emotional Freed technique is based on the premise that the human body's energy system contains "hot spots" or meridians. These points are similar to acupuncture points. They help to heal the body, which is a very important aspect of traditional Chinese medicine. EFT is also a powerful tool to deal with recurring fears and anxieties, which can have a debilitating impact on a person's mental and physical well being.

The Emotional Freed technique can be used to manage a variety of issues, including anxiety, fear, worry, phobias, and depression. It can also be used in conjunction with conventional therapy or to improve the health of a person who has already undergone traditional therapies.

The Emotional Freed technique has been the subject of numerous studies, including a study based at Harvard Medical School that found that TFT was effective in reducing the symptoms of depression...


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Que excelente consejo, sinceramente nunca había oído de esto pero en los últimos años eh aprendido que la medicina alternativa tiene sus ventajas. Voy a leer tu post con detenimiento para aprovechar los detalles. Gracias y saludos.

What excellent advice, honestly I had never heard of this but in the last few years I have learned that alternative medicine has its advantages. I will read your post carefully to take advantage of the details. Thank you and best regards.


EFT is indeed a great skill for treating depression just that people often times just go for substance abuse which makes the whole matter worse.
Thanks for sharing
