Current Season and Last Brawl Report and Buying and Opening 2 Gladius Cases | Splinterlands


There are approximately 6 days and 1 hours until the end of the season in Splinterlands and I continue to hold on to the Champion III League. The battles in the Champions League this season are more difficult for me than in previous seasons and it is incredibly difficult to win the battles, but I still continue to stay in the Champions League. Also, so far I have collected 34,013 Glint tokens for the end of the season, which is not bad at all compared to previous seasons.


In the last Brawl, I entered 5 battles and won them all, collecting 15 points for my guild. And the Dark Assassins guild of which I am a member came in second place. When I look at the rankings, it seems that we have fought 24 fewer battles than the first ranked guild, so if we had fought more battles, we could have even ranked 1st. But it's not a big problem, I think being 2nd is also an important achievement and my guild friends did a great job in the last Brawl and I hope we can come 1st in the next one.

We received 2,313 Merit and 24.498 SPS as rewards. After Brawl, I bought and opened 2 Gladius cases.

I got 4 Rare and 6 Common gladiator cards from the Gladius cases. I'm happy to see my deck grow in terms of gladiator cards, so as I accumulate Merit, I buy gladius cases and open them immediately.

I really enjoy playing Splinterlands, so in addition to ranked battles, I participate in both Brawl and tournaments, so I play whenever I get the chance. I came 5th in a tournament I participated recently and received 259 SPS as a reward. Considering that I earned an average of 1 SPS in the ranked battles I won, 259 SPS was a really big reward and I staked it all. Now increasing my SPS assets is one of my priorities, that's why I'm aiming to significantly increase my SPS assets in the coming months. t helps me a lot in tournaments in this regard, so I will continue to participate in tournaments whenever I have the opportunity.

I hope you are having a great season and everything is going well in your life, I wish you all the best of luck. Stay healthy and with love.

Thank you for reading.

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