Should it be base on Numbers,thinking about 1k pob delegation by @wiseagent

Getting to see the @wiseagent pob contest is something that indeed makes me feel good ,but I have a rethink, having the mind set that it might as to do with numbers, definitely that is one thing that as sincerely makes it looks so hard for me to actually see myself as a qualified contestant,but trust me on the other hand am not giving up at all as thier is always a room for people who are yet to actually make a significant contribution in the community to actually come in and do something better.

Come to think of it ,even thou this entry looks so hard to me,but I want to use one of my uncle words as a quote to actually back up one of my reasons why I deserve to win the delegation too;

You don't feed an already satisfy soul,when you have the hungry ones around you.

Definitely the above statement might not been seen as a fact by everyone in the community,but to me I sincerely see this as one thing that should be looked into by @wiseagent especially in a community where will have people that are struggling for numbers in terms of delegation and hoping that they will one day get the chance to be one of those that will add impact to the community.

When it comes to numbers am not worthy as we have alot of users here who have find it easy to actually go up in the community,due to the fact that they have one way received help in terms of upvote and delegation.

come to think of it,what is the hope of the common man in this community if connections and numbers are wining everything

It simply means that a common man too won't find it so easy when it comes to getting to the top in the community,I sincerely believe that thier should be a way to build and help everyone to grow in the community irrespective of numbers ,let the common man or users who has no support or backing at all shine too and show what they have in terms of contribution.

No one will hear a voice that is not allow to speak at all, no matter how bold and strong such voice is,when it is been silence, nothing will come out of it.

Wish this entry gives me the chance to be heard in the community not just for the contest alone,but for those that comes across the write up.

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Thanks for submitting your article to the word of the week contest. Unfortunately, it isn't eligible as you didn't use the words of the week.

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Oh, sincerely I don't know ,cause this is my first time of even using that tag boss,won't mind if I get corrected on how it should be done next time

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I mean, you're good. If you want to submit an article that does use the selected words that's fine. We use the #pob-wotw tag for identifying those who are participating. We usually get 30 articles or more for the contest per week. So, it's easy for someone's article to get lost in the mix.

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Ok boss,still want to believe I can still join the contest for the week too,I will run into your dashboard and see how it looks like mayb I can come up with something of good significance too

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