Psyber-X LORE: The Ripper-Doc Fixes Gigas

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The Ripper-Doc Fixes Gigas

Gigas opened his eyes slowly. Confusion. His vision adjusted to the blinding light beaming down on him as he lied still on something soft. He could hear muffled voices, the sounds of unfamiliar speech patterns arguing with each other.

"Fritz! Did I not tell you to go and see Jason? He and his father have been waiting for us and I need that new shipment!" A man exclaimed. His voice echoed from the next room over.

Gigas shifted. His arms were bound. He could turn his head, only slightly though. He was able to take a slight peek at the doorway of the room.

"Look. Things happen. I don't see why I have to do all this grunt work anyway. Can't you just hire someone to run these errands?" Another man called back lazily.

"Why would I need to hire someone? I've got you, now go! I have my work cut out for me with this one." Gigas could hear the voice grow louder as the man's footsteps drew nearer to the doorway.

He had to strain his neck to hold his line of sight. What's going on? Where the hell am I? Gigas was well used to Chems and could tell that he had been drugged. Idiots must not have realized the dose he'd need to keep me knocked out.

"Kidnapping the homeless and experimenting with them isn't exactly work. But, okay. I'll go."

Experimenting!? Gigas's mind settled on that thought. Then everything made sense. Organ harvesters! He heard they were a big problem down on the lower levels of Zeelis. He never thought he'd be on the receiving end though! His mind told him to struggle and break free, but nothing was moving.
A man walked through the doorway. Instantly, Gigas remembered. He was the same punk that approached him on the street! He had a semi-small frame, short compared to Gigas. He had been well dressed and had no discernable features other than his pencil moustache. Now he was wearing a greasy, blood-stained, formerly white coat with even more faded blood stains all over.

Gigas rocked and shook, he could hear his restraints jingle. Finally, he could move. It was like all the strength he had was gone. The man was startled by the rattling. I've only got a few seconds! Gigas told himself.

"Gigas! Calm down. Your face is bright red, you're going to burst a blood vessel." The man said calmly as he rushed over to him. "I've seen it happen. It ain’t pretty."

"Glllard." What!? "Berrgal" Gigas could feel drool running down the side of his face. His moist cheek left him feeling uncomfortable.

"The Tranq should have knocked you out. It's a wonder you could even get a gurgle burgle out. What are you trying to say, my boy? Hehe" The man patronized him while chuckling.

I'm trying to say let me out you creep! "Grabble Smmm!" Gigas could hear himself, he was too angry to be scared. Too annoyed to cringe at his pathetic attempt at speaking. His tongue seemed to have a mind of it's own, flopping around his mouth like a worm dancing in the rain.

"Ahh yes. Gurble burble." The man in the coat was rummaging around the room. All Gigas could hear was metallic scrapings and rustling.

Then the man reappeared, now staring directly down on him with a needle in hand. "Sadly, my assistant didn't get our supplies, so I'm stuck using an old syringe," The man said solemnly while rubbing the needle on his sleeve. "Don't worry though. It won’t make much of difference to you."

Gigas wrestled with his restraints. No! It was no use. The man laid a hand on his arm to steady him. Then Gigas could feel the prick.

"There you are. Now just relax and count backwards from ten." The man started to laugh, but the pitch changed and distorted after a few seconds.

The man's face became two, then three. The room was spinning. The light, still blinding. One eyelid closed before the other, soon though, Gigas fell into a dreamless sleep.

What felt like an instant later, he was awake once more. This time he felt even stranger. This time, it didn’t feel like coming out of a hit. The only noises he could hear were some clockwork sucking and blowing, it sounded like a fan or a pump. Repetitively, the noise looped.

The man in the coat leaned towards him, a bit too close to his face for Gigas's liking. He could smell the octane on the man’s breath. Pulling himself back didn't do anything. It wasn't the fact that he wasn't moving that freaked him out though. It was the fact that he felt…disjointed? Like some kind of floating consciousness. Am I…here? the thought seemed to echo down an endless corridor.

"That should do it." The man said with a sigh, lifting his hands up with unrecognizable tools in hand. "I hope I picked the right one. Can you see me?" He said while giving a jovial wave.

Yeah I can see you. You creepy old slicker.
"No use in asking really." The man turned his back to Gigas. "This makes my job a bit easier. It's like having some company while I work."
The man hunched over.
All Gigas could hear were the fleshy yearnings with each movement the maniacal man made. "Company, but the best kind of company. Ya hear that?" The man continued, pointing to the ceiling and cracking a half smile.

It sounded like a pack of wild dogs gnawing at their most recent kill. "This is the worst part…” Grumbling, he continued, “Oh come on now!"

He began to tug at something. Each heave sounded like a slurp. Until, CRACK. Gigas would have shuddered if he could. He was a voice in the void. A pair of eyes on the wall. Ears in space.

"You're lucky." The man let out a labored breath and reached for something. Click. Some machines powered up and started to hum. "Very lucky! I was trying to find your chip."

Chip? What chip!? "I saw some distinct scratches and old scarring. Instantly I thought the worst. Did you know that there are people around Zeelis that actually remove them? Idiots actually pay to have them taken out!" The man then turned around and walked towards Gigas slowly.

"Our world is messed up. I don't need to ask if you already know that, Gigas. I can see it in your eyes. You've seen stuff, lived through stuff. I know. At one point, almost feels like a lifetime ago now, I stood up. Fought for something, with some friends of mine." The man in the coat glanced away and then looked back into Gigas' eyes with a sure look.

"I'll admit it. I wasn't much of a fighter. I was more concerned with helping people...people like you, the ones out there-the dregs of society. The name spat upon them from on high. From the breed of people lucky enough to be born far above the muck." The man lifted Gigas.
What are you doing? Who the hell are you!? How do you know my name? Who sent you after me!? Gigas had nothing but questions for this old creep, but no sound was coming up.

"I help the you Gigas. If I hadn't found you when I did, you would most likely still be in the gutter, lying on the streets dead from that coughing fit." The man took a step backwards.

"Don't be alarmed. Be amazed!" The man said cheerfully as he stepped to the side. Revealing to Gigas what he had been hunched over.

Gigas looked down. If he could have, he would have gotten sick. He tried to heave, but there was nothing there. His stomach wasn't with him. Instead, he was looking at it.

His body, the lifeless husk lay motionless and pale on an operating table. Tubes were hooked up to his ventricles pumping blood back and forth. One of his lungs was gone, replaced with a clear tube. His whole chest was open. The bed his body was lain on was covered in blood splatters and stains. Most of it though, was in the pumping machine. All of his organs were lying still. He was a cadaver.

Crazy creep killed me. In a way, Gigas wanted to die. Looking at himself though instantly changed his mind. All the time he had spent running and hiding. Not wearing a mask while outside. Here's the affected party. I was trying to kill myself slowly. His remaining lung was green. His heart was black with streaks of green throughout. I've been rotting from the inside for who knows how long.

"Not many get the opportunity to look at themselves like this. Isn't it amazing? This is the best equipment the Zeelis government can buy! Now, I'll get down to business. All of this is going to have to go." The man said while waving a hand over Gigas' corpse.

"The organs are destroyed. They'll have to be replaced with cybernetics. You're going to be a big project. But, hey! I am the best Ripper-Doc in Zeelis so it won't be a problem." The Ripper-Doc said. "That sounds too cocky. I should show more humility." He turned and seemed to be lost in thought. "I'm assuming you aren't a Ripper? I guess it's safe to say I'm the best Ripper-Doc in the room." He started to chuckle.

Dead. Just a slab of meat. If he had eyes, he would cry.

"Here's some philosophical musings to keep you preoccupied. If I remove every organ of yours and replace them with cybernetics. Are you still human?"
Who cares! Gigas let out a frustrating thought, wishing this Ripper-Doc could hear him.

"Yes. Of course. You're a human, a bit less flesh…Great weight loss program, actually. Haha. But...human. Now, if you're in a chip, connected to a camera. Are you still human? You're thinking. There’s no doubt about that. Are feeling though? Are you real right now? When I eject the chip and inject it back into your host, will you remember this? Or will your mind incorporate this experience? Maybe, your brain will process it and deem it too much to bear. This whole memory could just get pushed down. Suppressed. Buried. Lodged somewhere in the back of your mind, never to be seen again."

The Ripper-Doc chuckled as he turned around once more to hunch over Gigas' corpse.

You think you're funny. A memory flashed into Gigas' mind. Back at school, on his first day at his new school, right after the war. The stares, the pointing...‘The freak.’

The stupid idea his mother had. She knew I was embarrassed and told me to wear the stupid face scarf she made. Bagsy. Gigas' bully didn't waste any time getting to know him. Gigas remembered the feeling of having the scarf pulled off his face. Chuckles. Laughs. Jeers.

This Ripper-Doc would have been the exact same. Laughing and chuckling at his own jokes-very amusing.

The Ripper-Doc turned to look around. "Soon Gigas. You'll be good as new."

When I get out of here. I'm going to kill you.


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Do you mean the LVL token? I was really debating earlier today in buying that token. I couldn't decide if i should although i noticed the game looked super cool. I was a bit turned off about the fact there is no staking though. Are they considering to have staking at some point?




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