Splinterlands Battle Mage Challenge - Earthquake


Cover image from @splinterlands

Hi splinterlands community, this is my entry to the splinterlands battle mage challenge for this week. I am writing about a battle I fought today after playing long for the ruleset.

Ruleset and Its Meaning


This ruleset is the earthquake ruleset which means that non flying monsters take 2 melee damage.

Summoner and Team Choices


I chose this water summoner to grant my cards +1 speed and +1 shield.

Card number / positionCard
1; Hardy Stonefishimage.png
2; Venari Markstratimage.png
3; Djinn Oshanusimage.png

My Opponent's team selection


My opponent chose this death summoner which reduced 1 health and 1 magic from all my cards.

Card number / positionCard
1; Carrion Shadeimage.png
2; Pelacor Deceiverimage.png
3; Gargoya Devilimage.png

Round 1


My last card, Djinn Oshanus attacked my opponent's first card and my second card killed my opponent's first card. My opponent's third card attacked my first card and my first card attacked my opponent's card in the first position.

Round 2


The earthquake took effect killing my first card and getting rid of the shield on my second and third cards. No damage was done to my opponent's cards.

My Djinn Oshanus attacked my opponent and my opponent's first card killed my second card, Venari Markstrat which increased the stats of my Djinn Oshanus. My opponent's last card attacked my remaining card.

Round 3 - Round 7


The earthquake took effect damaging only my card while my opponent's cards missed their attacks. I kept damaging my opponent's cards and the earthquakes kept damaging me till it eventually killed my only card.


I was killed in the round 7.


I lost this battle after 7 rounds. I think I was very unlucky to lose this battle since my opponent's cards were doing no damage to my Djinn Oshanus. The earthquake helped my opponent to win this battle. Maybe next time, I will go with flying cards.

Here is a link to the battle I just described. Click here
to watch the battle

Screenshots of the battle were all sourced from splinterlands.
