Psyber X Heating Up!



It has been a crazy week or so for anyone following the progression of the Psyber X Project. These guys are throwing out updates like fried oreos at the carnival and they are just as good! During a recent Ask Me Anything (AMA) the founder of Royal Reptile Studies, again, affirmed a playable game by year's end and I am so very stoked about the potential of this game and what it can mean for the evolution of blockchain gaming.

The pre-sale of in-game land plots has already begun and the price is rolled into a Founder Starter Kit, which will include a small land plot, Juggernaut Perk, and No Remorse Perk that can both be used in game. After release to the Psyber X marketplace the price of these kits will be increased, so now is the time to pull the trigger on these. More information can be found here and an additional option is to purchase a total of 15 plots to obtain the specialty title of Land Baron and in addition to the above mentioned items, you will receive Land Baron banners and a specialty NFT exclusive weapon pictured below.






As if that were not exciting enough, the team also announced that commercial land plots will go on sale this Friday at a price of 2500 HBD and an as of yet undisclosed amount of LVL, but it was noted that there was going to be special discounting for utilizing LVL for this acquisition. The commercial plots will be a total of 20 small plots and will constitute a full city block of cyberpunk goodness! Now that is a bit out of my minnow price range, but some of you big boys out there can finally create your dream of a cyberpunk metropolis stronghold where all your trophies are stored for your viewing pleasure. There are only going to be 50 commercial plots available and I'm very interested to see how fast they go and who is able to grab one. I have my hopes on a few people getting one that they can then "pimp" out....lololol I've always wanted to be friends with a ruthless warlord! All the details can be found in this post. The same post announced the now active liquidity pool that pairs up LVL with Swap-Hive and based on what I checked today the APR is extremely, extremely attractive right now!


And to add a cherry on top of all this amazing news and releases, it was announced today that the Psyber X front end website is live and the marketplace is sure to quickly follow. Read about it and all the functions it will have here.

Man, I can barely contain my excitement about the developments with this project and how responsive the team is to questions, concerns, and transparency. I can't wait to camp and shoot you all right in the face! Don't forget the most important saying in Psyber X......"Campers gonna camp! lololol Thanks for taking the time to read my post and I love you all!

  • Note: All images used by permission of the Psyber X team.

All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter,
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost


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will be a total of 20 small plots

It will be a commercial plot, not a collection of small plots. The size of the commercial plot is equal to 20 small plots, for clarification 😉


PsyberX is going to be a wild game and I hope they make their release date, Thank you for the price information in the post.
