Pixels AMA Highlights - August 30, 2023
Hello Hive Community! Allow me to post an AMA recap here for one of my Web3 games - Pixels Online. This post is part of my quest to finish the ongoing YGG…
**Pixels Farmhand** **YGG Moderator** **YGG Gametester** https://twitter.com/ironsid3_ https://www.twitch.tv/ironsid3_ https://www.facebook.com/ironsid3/ Di...
Hello Hive Community! Allow me to post an AMA recap here for one of my Web3 games - Pixels Online. This post is part of my quest to finish the ongoing YGG…
Hello followers. In this new raffle i will award loyal followers. If you are a follower and took part in this week's raffles you will…
Hello splinterlands player. Lets start the next round of the "not so common" raffle. You have the choice…
Hello splinterlands player. Welcome to the monday raffle. I will add new rare cards regulary. Remember: You can always…
Hello splinterlands player. In this raffle you can win 3 cards, just write which you want in the comments (3 times…
Another week for Splinterlands battle mage secrets, this is a good time to share your matches and get some awesome rewards and…
As i am travelling posting/publishing times may vary / Da ich auf Reisen bin, können die Veröffentlichungszeiten…
Hello splinterlands player. Lets start the next round of the "not so common" raffle. You have the choice…
Hello splinterlands player. Welcome to the monday raffle. I will add new rare cards regulary. Remember: You can always…
Hello followers. In this new raffle i will award loyal followers. If you are a follower and took part in this week's raffles you will…