Splinterlands - Battle Mage Secrets: Little League!

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Good morning everyone! depending where in the world you are of course, but it is for me, at the start of the weekend on this beautiful Saturday morning!


While the sun is shining outside I'll first make my second Splinterlands Blog post for this week, for the people that don't know, the team has two blog post challenges to participate in every week, it's basically meant to spread the word about Splinterlands in to the crypto and gaming world, and the community is the best way for this for low cost so it is really a win - win scenario, participating in this challenge every week earns me about $50 - 60 every month so I can further build my deck, so my wish list can be checked of and new cards can be added to my list.

Also, my 10 y/0 daughter started playing Splinterlands again after a 2 year pause, with all the changes it just got too hard for her but now she's a little bit older she really enjoys the strategy and outsmart her opponents, funny to watch! 😁
So, welcome back @stella16!
She's already making her own wish list for her lower level account (max bronze) so this can grow over time too, to start I'm giving her $5 monthly to freely spend on Splinterlands assets, when she remains serious, I might double this so she can grow a little faster. 🙂

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This weeks Battle Mage Secrets Challenge...

This weeks challenge is about the Little League ruleset, in which only cards with 4 mana or less are allowed to be played, this rule applies for summoners too, and like with any Splinterlands battle you can go multiple ways with this, I like the Dragon / Water combo best but sometimes I choose death too, when I expect a magic heavy team from my opponent.
To find out how you can participate in the challenge yourself, you can find the Splinterlands post here.

The Battle I want to share for this post is a 24 mana Wild League, Weak Magic / Little League ruleset battle with all splinters open to be chosen, I'm switching back and forth between Wild and Modern all the time to maximize my earnings, both leagues are fun in their own way, hopefully this gets even better with the planned changes to make a pay wall for wild to fight to bot farms! So, with Weak Magic in mind, armor is a nice to have, and annoying when my opponent has a lot of it, so where I would mostly pick Quix the Devious and make a Dragon Water combo with the Assassin Double Strike Sneaker, this time I chose to go full Water to get the +1 armor on all units for some extra protection, at the same time I wanted to get trough enemy armor fast so I brought Musa to the fight, her Shatter ability combined with her high speed makes it a fast tank killer. I expect a Water team from my opponent, with probably Cruel Sethropod as the tank so this way I can kill it in the first turn, to protect against sneak I brought a Triage unit to heal my evasive Pelacor Bandit when it wasn't able to dodge attacks on him.

First look at the battlefield:


O wow, not what I expected, with a Fire team my opponent isn't making use of the weak magic ruleset, but I'm okay with that! 😁
While the summoner is level 5, the team is pretty low level, so another benefit for me, looking at the speeds and rarity of the cards, Musa and Tide Biter are going to fire first, RNG will decide if Serpentine Spy or my Swimhunter can go first, since they're both common cards, but when Swimhunter fires, he's going to kill the tank, but then we have to deal with a backup tank, when my fast sneaker and triage to save him are doing as planned, I'll be perfectly fine.

My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: Kelya - reason: Extra speed, +1 armor for 1 extra hit for my entire team.
  • First position: Cruel Sethropod - reason: High armor / HP for only 3 mana.
  • Second position: Tide Biter - reason: Fast, good damage.
  • Third position: Musa Saline - reason: Shatter.
  • Fourth position: Angelic Mandarine - reason: Triage.
  • Fifth position: Kulu Swimhunter - reason: Good damage and speed.
  • Sixth position: Pelacor Bandit - reason: Very fast and evasive, good damage.

The Battle:


Round 1: Oops I forgot about my Bandit, he's the fist to fire of course, but he's hitting armor this time, too bad Uraeus poisoned him right off the bat, with two sneakers AND poison I'm not sure if my Triage can keep him alive.. The enemy tank died fast, as planned! So besides the poison, nothing happened on my team because all attacks hit armor this turn.


Round 2: Ooh! Uraeus missed his attack! that was a good miss, or it would've killed my Bandit! I'm quickly killing the other team now, with a sneaker to the front, the danger to my back line is over, this only takes time, the battle is decided.


Round 3: And it's already over, another win for my team!

You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

So, that's it for this weeks blogging work, as you might have read in my previous post, with the recent planned changes I resumed playing my alt by hand, so I'm back to ranked battles now, grinding on! I hope to see you again next week, or maybe we meet on the battlefield!

Are you a new player or have friends who just started?

We have a guild for new players, I try to help them with delegations and advice where I can, come say hi in our Guild's Discord channel if you want to join!
Also, if you haven't started yet but might be interested, let me know and I'll answer any questions you might have, just ping me on discord (@nozem).

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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Are you looking for Tier 5 brawl guild? THE GUILD OF NEOXIAN looking for brawl players who have good win ratio on brawls. If you are interested then join our Discord & Let our Guild officer xawi know that you are interested for guild brawl participation and Also Don't Forgot to Checkout our BDVoter Daily Hive Showcase & Participate into our Daily giveaway to win various prize. Best of Luck 😉



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