Cine TV Contest #129 - Favorite Movie That Thrills
Hello CineTV New York City. There is something electric and iconic about the city. It feels like the city somehow represents the United States and is the backdrop for many…
Economista, Amante al Cine, Ciencia, Literatura y Poesia
Hello CineTV New York City. There is something electric and iconic about the city. It feels like the city somehow represents the United States and is the backdrop for many…
Hello CineTV The Super Bowl was the biggest event that I have ever attended, an American Football game that is watched the world over. This year was not a very enjoyable game…
Hello CineTV Not everyone likes the same thing but there are just some movies that get some undue hate in my opinion. I think that you all found some really good choices for…
Hello CineTV While I am not the biggest fan of musicals, I do have to say that some of them are very entertaining. There were some very great choices that you all picked and I…
Hello CineTV The hoidays are an amazing time of year, filled with wonder and magic. The movies around that time seem to have that same type of energy. There are so many movies…
Hello CineTV A contest about a hidden gem movie should be an extremely easy one to enter! Basically you could pick any movie that you felt went under the radar so to speak…
Hello CineTV It was an amazing contest with people coming out of the woodwork to enter for their favorite movie duo. I think that there are just so many good options that…
Hello CineTV Children help us to see the best or worst in humanity. The beauty and innocence of children give us a glimpse of something that we can grow out of or become…
Hello CineTV War is not an easy thing to watch or even write about. Especially it is based on the reality of war, it can be difficult to stomach the absurdity of how we treat…
Hello CineTV The spooky season is in full swing. People like my wife, who hates scary movies and shows, does not like this time of year. I think it's fun to get scared a…