Personally, I prefer home cooking / En lo personal prefiero la comida casera [English / Spanish].


Today, fast food has become a popular choice for many people due to its convenience and availability. However, home-cooked food is still a preferred choice for many people who value quality, freshness and the ability to control the ingredients they consume.


Cooking at home has numerous advantages, including the ability to control ingredients and their quality, as well as the opportunity to customize meals to individual tastes and preferences. In addition, cooking at home is often more economical in the long run than eating fast food on a regular basis. On the other hand, fast food offers convenience and speed, making it an ideal option for people with busy schedules who don't have a lot of time to prepare elaborate meals.

In particular, I always take home-cooked meals to work, and on special occasions we all cook together at work (it's as if we were cooking at home) and I don't deny that I only eat fast food on very rare occasions. I value food quality and health so I opt to cook at home, I don't prioritize convenience and speed so I don't eat fast food on a regular basis.


Confidence in home cooking lies in the ability to know exactly what ingredients are used in the preparation of food, as well as the ability to control its freshness and quality. Many people prefer to cook at home because it gives them the peace of mind of knowing what they are eating and control over their diet. Home cooking can also be associated with greater emotional value, as it is often linked to times of family reunion and culinary traditions.

Home-cooked food is the primary way families eat in many cultures around the world. However, with industrialization and urbanization, fast food has gained popularity due to its convenience and availability anytime, anywhere. Today, there are numerous influences affecting our food choices, such as advertising by fast food chains, lack of time to cook at home, and concern for health and wellness.


(Very nice presentation, but terrible taste, the fries were chewy, the hamburger bun was hard and the chicken breast was overcooked).

The choice between cooking at home and eating fast food depends on each person's individual preferences and personal circumstances. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to strike a balance between convenience and the quality of the food we consume.

Ultimately, confidence in home cooking lies in the knowledge of what we are eating and the care we put into its preparation.

This is my second participation in the week, the topic chosen being :

Do you cook your food yourself? Or do you patronize fast food? If you had a jam-packed work schedule, and you could easily afford it, would you also patronize fast foods on a regular basis? Or will you still make out time to cook your meals? What's the one thing that makes you rely more on home-cooked meals.

Greetings to all readers.

The photos are my property and were taken with my Umidigi F2 cell phone, the last image corresponds to fast food and the previous ones to homemade food.

The separator is free to use and has been provided by @onexel, Link here.

Al dia de hoy, la comida rápida se ha convertido en una opción muy popular para muchas personas debido a su conveniencia y disponibilidad. Sin embargo, la comida casera sigue siendo una opción preferida por muchas personas que valoran la calidad, la frescura y la posibilidad de controlar los ingredientes que consumen.


Cocinar en casa presenta numerosas ventajas, entre las que se incluyen la posibilidad de controlar los ingredientes y su calidad, así como la oportunidad de personalizar las comidas según los gustos y preferencias individuales. Además, cocinar en casa suele ser más económico a largo plazo que consumir comida rápida de forma regular. Por otro lado, la comida rápida ofrece conveniencia y rapidez, siendo una opción ideal para aquellas personas con horarios apretados que no disponen de mucho tiempo para preparar comidas elaboradas.

En lo particular, siempre llevo al trabajo comida casera, y en ocasiones especiales entre todos cocinamos en el trabajo (es como si lo hiciéramos en casa) y no lo niego solo en muy contadas ocasiones consumo comida rápida. Yo valoro la calidad y la salud de los alimentos por lo que opto por cocinar en casa, no priorizo la conveniencia y la rapidez por lo que no consumo comida rápida de forma regular.


La confianza en la comida casera radica en la posibilidad de saber exactamente qué ingredientes se utilizan en la preparación de los alimentos, así como en la capacidad de controlar su frescura y calidad. Muchas personas prefieren cocinar en casa porque les brinda la tranquilidad de saber lo que están comiendo y el control sobre su alimentación. La comida casera también puede estar asociada con un mayor valor emocional, ya que suele estar vinculada a momentos de reunión familiar y tradiciones culinarias.

La comida casera es la forma principal de alimentación de las familias en muchas culturas alrededor del mundo. Sin embargo, con la industrialización y la urbanización, la comida rápida ha ganado popularidad debido a su conveniencia y disponibilidad en cualquier momento y lugar. Hoy en día, existen numerosas influencias que afectan nuestras decisiones alimentarias, como la publicidad de las cadenas de comida rápida, la falta de tiempo para cocinar en casa y la preocupación por la salud y el bienestar.


(Muy bonita presentación , pero terrible sabor, las papas fritas estaban chiclosas, el pan de hamburguesa estaba duro y la pechuga de pollo sobrecocida).

La elección entre cocinar en casa y consumir comida rápida depende de las preferencias individuales de cada persona y de sus circunstancias personales. Ambas opciones tienen sus ventajas y desventajas, y es importante encontrar un equilibrio entre la conveniencia y la calidad de los alimentos que consumimos.

En última instancia, la confianza en la comida casera radica en el conocimiento de lo que estamos comiendo y en el cuidado que ponemos en su preparación.

Esta es mi segunda participación en la semana, siendo el tópico escogido :

Cocina o comida rápida: ¿Cocinas tú mismo la comida? ¿O prefieres la comida rápida? Si tuvieras un horario de trabajo apretado y pudieras permitírtelo fácilmente, ¿también frecuentarías la comida rápida con regularidad? ¿O sacarías tiempo para cocinar? ¿Qué es lo que te hace confiar más en la comida casera?.

Un saludo a todos los lectores.

Las fotos son de mi propiedad y fueron tomadas con mi telefono celular Umidigi F2, la ultima imagen corresponde a comida rápida y las anteriores a comida casera.

El separador es de uso gratuito y ha sido proporcionado por @onexel, Enlace aquí.


Same here too, I prefer home made foods as it has alot of advantages compared to fast foods except once in a while. Thanks for sharing this with us.


You can go out and share with friends or work colleagues, but be careful what you eat.


Home made meals are the best, you are sure of whatever it's been use in the preparation


When cooking at home we know what we are really preparing, sometimes the menu may not be to our taste but we know that we are cooking in a healthy and nutritious way. We should not get carried away by fast food and those presentations that we see in advertisements, many times when we see these foods in general, they are not so pretty to our eyes, we do not know how they were prepared and we do not know how hygienic is the place where we buy.


Fast food can save you the stress that comes with cooking, but for me I think it's better to undergo the stress of getting your food prepared by yourself.


I assure you that if you think about your health, that stress disappears, it is more economical and healthy to eat well, balanced and in good conditions than to pay for medicines or hospitals and clinics.


That's true, cooking at home helps us to control the quality and quantity of ingredients we used also we get to save money on the long run.

I Just like your pattern, taking food to work


Bringing food to work is the healthiest thing to do, and even more satisfying is to have prepared it with the help of your children or your wife, you know all the ingredients you use, it's more fun to cook as a family. Surely our couples control the expenses so that the food is not expensive and of high quality.


That's a good habit if one can work by it


Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency



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