Wordle Quest #385

Every morning, a Wordler sets out on a quest for the five-letter word that can protect Wordler Village for one more day…

385 HIve.jpg

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✍ Based on Wordle 385

At the far edge of the village, Wordler 385 found a bright red mailbox.

“That’s never been here before,” he thought.

Inside the mailbox was a bright red envelope addressed to Wordler 385. Inside the envelope was a letter.

You find yourself at a crossroads. 

There is a mailbox here. 
Inside the mailbox is a letter (taken). 

Obvious exits lie to the North, East, and West.

“What? What is this?” 385 asked. He flipped the paper over and found an entirely unhelpful response.

Syntax incorrect. Specify object. 

He sighed. “I guess it’s giving me a choice of direction?”

385 continued north on the road he’d been on, and soon encountered a table that someone had set up directly in his path with an antique brass lantern, a pitcher of lemonade, and another red envelope. He opened the envelope and read the second letter.

The day is hot and you are getting thirsty. You find that someone has incongruously placed a table in the middle of the road. 

There is a pitcher of lemonade here. 
There is a letter here (taken). 
There is a brass lantern here. 

Obvious exits lie to the North and South.

“Aw man, I hate these games. But I am getting thirsty…” He noticed a line in tiny text at the bottom of the letter that he’d not seen before.

You have not yet obtained and equipped the Golden Chalice of Lemonade Consumption.

385 sighed. This was going to be a very long quest.

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Art and Text ©2022 Greg R. Fishbone

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