The pride as a teacher


I am a secondary school teacher. For 18 years I have made a living teaching young people who in the future will be the generation of relief that will take the reins of Venezuela. I love what I do, I love being in contact with my students; teaching and sharing knowledge is something gratifying that fills me with energy..

There are many challenges that every day I have to assume and face as a teacher. The first of them is the low wages we receive for our work; which do not cover the basic needs of food and well-being of teachers. Therefore, that forces us to look for other sources of money; as it also generates discouragement in some colleagues for the fulfillment of our work.

Another challenge that I face on a daily basis as a teacher is the emotions and moods of my students. Many of them come from dysfunctional families where they live with one of their parents; or failing that, with a relative, since the parents go into the mines located on the borders of the city in search of a better income for their family.

In addition to this, I have to face the government demands of Venezuelan educational policies; where they are far from the educational reality, where it only matters to politicize education, leaving educational quality aside, which should be the priority of a country to train optimal people capable of assuming the labor field effectively and efficiently.

The best way to create a stimulating learning environment is through the care and love that I give my students in each class; where there is room for good treatment through empathy and communication; where the dialogue is fundamental when stimulating it or when reprimanding it for wrong behavior; where aggression has no place under any circumstances.

To complement my bachelor's degree in comprehensive education that allows me to work as a teacher; In 2010 I studied a master's degree where I obtained the title of Magister Scientiarum in Educational Planning, which is the perfect complement to my professional development and allows me to develop my work in the best way.

Higher education in Venezuela is free, young people have access to it; These public universities do their best to maintain quality education. Among the most outstanding universities is the Universidad de Oriente, UDO, which graduates quality professionals.

There are also some private universities whose costs are high and only a small sector of Venezuela have access to it. The educational quality of these private universities in some cases are questioned and in some cases accused of selling university degrees. Education is a sensitive issue in Venezuela where an urgent educational change is required to train young people of professional quality but not quantity.

