Holozing Capturable Creatures Reveal, Healers Traits Contest & My Zing Stake Update

Another update has been on for more excitement from the community. I bet I'm not the only one who is so in love with the beautiful creatures, starters and healers being revealed one after the other as regards to the game launch. I see myself picture playing the game and having fun with these creatures.


Once again, an update on capturable creatures has been revealed. This is after some starters packs and more healers were revealed to the community. For this post's update, we're focusing on the capturable creature called... Chirple.

Imagine playing the game and you come across a really pretty creature, you're given the option to capture it or not, I bet you'd opt for capture when you see "Chirple", one of the capturables you'll find.


So yeah, meet Chirple, the first flying type creature that you'll be able to capture in the wild as you play the game. Chirple is like a parrot but this one obviously, it's an Holozing build. A special creature that is unlike others we've read about, a Talking creature for your game experience and more excitement. The creature would be able to say a few words like parrots do!

The team is promising that they have some fun ideas in mind for when the creature is on the battlefield, I mean, words it will say. A fun and cool one they've come up with is, yelling "Heal Me" when he gets low on health. That is a good way to know exactly when a player needs to save it's captured creature... A beautiful bonding if you ask me.

The creature might also compliment it's healer from time to time whenever he/she is doing well as a healer or when you successfully capture a wild creature! There is no limit to what the creature can say if more ideas are shared regarding this.


And this is his evolution, Chirpily... A lot bigger and wiser and may know a few more words or sentences. This is where the community requests for more ideas on the words they've want to hear from their creature. I would suggest words like "Watch it! That move is awesome! Look at me! You look good!" and many more words I can't think of now.

These capturable creatures will be both normal and flying type, they'll be able to learn moves specific to flying creatures and may even be able to fetch your mail for you. How cool is that?!

My Healers Traits Contest Entry - Inspired by Ocean Healer

An ongoing contest with reveals is asking for ideas from the community to help make the game players have unique looks while having the aim of the game in mind. I've seen really beautiful suggestions that I got lost in what to suggest anymore.

Anyways, I thought about coming up with looks that I would normally not do in real life and would be amazing to have a virtual life with them. This may seem like I'm personalizing my suggestions but it's only a suggestion and I'll be cool with what the team decides on for the major reveal.


We're asked to make suggestions regarding the healers'

  • headwear
  • eyewear
  • clothes
  • background ideas

I decided to suggest possible additions for this Healer's head, eye wears and clothes. No background ideas yet but I'll keep thinking if any would come up soon before the contest ends.

For the eyes, I'm suggesting eyelashes but not this regular kind. Like we have the holo colours, I thought it would be cool to have a holo eyelashes too.


And for the head wear and clothes, I could only think of one thing for this suggestion. A hoodie like it's winter season but there can be different styles to make it fit into any season, my thought.

The hoodie serves as a head wear and a clothing too like the image below. We could have different colours or designs for it.


These are only a suggestion and I'm looking forward to what the team would decide on. Do make sure to enter for the contest and share some ideas with the team as well. Follow the link I shared and drop yours in the comment or share a share about it.

My Zing Stake Update

With the APR going down, my claim rewards keeps reducing but it's much of a concern as it only shows that the game would be launching soon for players to earn more in other ways. When I started, I was using delegations to earn Zing but today, I'm using all four ways to earn.


I have more than 8k Zing Stake to earn more staking rewards, I've got 300 Posh to earn posh rewards. The Posh-Zing rewards would be ending soon so if you're not earning with it, you should now before it ends finally.

Delegation rewards aren't so much but it is a lot more than I was earning when I started. I have 2k HP delegated, and of course, the APR is going too so no much earnings from like before.


I recently started earning from liquidity too and I have 1k Zing in liquid, I've earned over 100 Zing since I started. There is still a high APR in earning this way and so I'm positive I'll earn more before it ends.

If you're not earning yet, you can still earn some before the game launches. The four ways to earn Zing are still available, act as fast as you can to stake some Zing.

First image designed with canva
Screenshots taken from my Holozing wallet
Creature images were taken from Holozing community post.


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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 191 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@pixresteemer(3/5) tipped @merit.ahama

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