Summer means a vacation to the Mountains


Hello readers,

For many of us, summer brings a handful of changes in our life and apart from the scorching summer heat waves and the hotness and sweat all day, it also brings a good thing, that is summer vacations. In our area which is just near the Horizontal line, summer means extreme heat waves and this year, temperatures have risen as high as 53 Def. Celsius in some places of our Country and affected by a dozen deaths due to heat waves and sun strokes. So you can clearly understand the extremeness of this season and how it affects our daily life routine. However, around the peak of the summertime every year, most of the institutes like schools, colleges, Govt non-emergency Offices, Courts, shops and malls and some private institutes and offices call for a long vacation which stays from 15 to 30 days and famously called as Summer Vacation.

Now, for today’s Inleo #juneinleo prompt initiative, when I went to check today’s topic, I really liked this one, because of my recent personal experience. So in today’s post, I will be sharing my experiences and also some photos that I captured on my phone during my last year’s summer vacation trip to Sikkim State. The state of mountains. So without any further ado, let us jump into the story right in.


Sikkim is a state of India and it is a beautiful state filled with mountains, Jungles and Lots of tourist attractions and historically important places, which makes this state the nature tourism state of our country. Thou my state is just beside Sikkim, I was never fortunate enough to Sikkim before myself, because the whole journey would cost me a lot of money which was impossible to manage during my schooling days. But when I started earning decently, I started saving some amount of Money aside every month just to save enough money to visit there one day. That day came a year when I got married and I mixed my thought plan into a honeymoon to enjoy the experience together and just last year, we visited Sikkim State during her summer vacation and enjoyed our best days of life there together.


After taking half of the way by a train journey on which we spent our first night on the journey and lasted when we reached the NJP station, we left the train and took a shared cab ride to the main city of Gangtok. It took us a long car journey of approximately 4-5 hours to reach the city and during a long part of this journey, this blue river above was giving our newly journey with company by running side by side with the road and while in this car ride, we also crossed the borders and left our state of Sikkim, a whole new place and culture yet to be explored.

After reaching Gangtok city during the afternoon time and then actually reaching our own hotel which was in a far place but closer to the mountains and then finally checking in to our room, we finally felt some rest as after having a day of the journey while Bearing those whole mountain U-turns and a jerking ride on top of that made our body weak and stressed. Also, the coldness of the mountains was sudden to our body’s usual Temp, So we were feeling cold and weak so didn't want to leave us out of the room, so we just went to the dining hall room later to have our dinner and then spent the night while falling a deep sleep.


The Next day we woke up with a fresh mind and body and were fully recharged for the adventure and together after having our breakfast at the hotel, we dressed up and started exploring the local city and its famous places and trying local dishes. I captured some cool photos among which, this particular one above and the first picture at the thumbnail were some clear and rich shots showcasing the beauty and locality of the mountains. We also together tried 2 amazing local
Dishes MOMO and Nepali chicken dish both of which were really delicious.


We also went to visit a local flower exhibition and also some Tourist attractions and viewpoints which really made our first day an amazing and obviously unforgettable day. One of the attractions was the Local big temple which I talked about and its golden color marvelously attracted all the tourists' eyes. Later we came back to our hotel again and after having our dinner at the hotel dining because we really liked their taste, we went back to our room and started planning for the next day before taking a good sleep.


The next day, we had already decided to explore nature instead, and as planned, we went to a journey further to north Sikkim. As expected, we started seeing the snowy mountains and frozen lakes after taking a long car ride in between mountains and streams, which was a first time life experience for both of us. Both I and my wife spent the whole day feeling the amazing sunny but cold weather and cold air breezing all the time.


At the above, I also shared pictures of the journey and most of the photos I took them while inside the car and when taking the ride, so the quality is not very great. However, after experiencing the first snowy day of our life and also enjoying some of the local attractions and Monasteries, we again came back to our room as the next day was our last day of the trip.

I hope you liked reading my summer vacation story and also enjoyed the photos that I shared in the post above. Do you also love to enjoy trips in vacations? Let me know your top summer vacation in the comment section below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

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Coming from Nepal, Sikkim and Gangtok are of my pure bucket list.
Those captures even from in movement looks great. The Nepali momos are something to adore for. haha. Looks like you had a great expedition of self-exploration. Great share.


yes friend, I really had a great time there and they have really maintained the whole state very well as well.


Yes, I often get to hear about the cleanliness and the sustainable campaigns of the region.
Thats the best.


Didn't you mean summer?


sorry for the auto type ehh XD


Well, that's not the only one ;) I would proofread the Monthly Prompt entries before submitting them ;)


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It's a very nice college and I like the buildings there.
