Learning to discover Beauty in daily life

Hello readers,

The world is full of beautiful things if anyone is actually looking for it. In our daily lives, we pass through countless beautiful things but fail to praise them because we have either lost the sense or just made ourselves too busy to notice. In my childhood, I read a great poem named ‘Ekti Shishir Bindu’ (A Glistening Drop of Dew) by Rabindranath Tagore, a Renowned Noble winner and in his poem, he said that he had walked for many days and walked down many roads and countless miles, he had spent a fortune and have travelled many countries, he have seen Mountain ranges and Rivers, but he hasn’t seen with his eyes while just take some steps just outside his home to see a glistening drop of dew on a sheaf of paddy grain. What he meant in this poem is that we always chase to view beauty but fail to see the real beauty among tiny little things surrounding us. I also try to discover beauty in everything I come across and whenever anything attracts my eyes, I always try to capture the moment with my phone camera. Whenever I travel on a Bus or Train, I always plug in my Earphones to listen to songs during the journey and keep my phone ready to capture anything that crosses my mind and in today’s post, I will be sharing some photos that I recently captured and hope you like watching them. So without any further ado, Let us jump right in!


The last time I went to my hometown to visit my parents around 2 weeks ago, I discovered this unique flower in front of my home which really attracted me and I couldn’t resist myself to capture its beauty in my phone. I have a decent knowledge of almost all the local flower plants that grow in our state but I have never come across this particular flower plant before. The plant is very small in size and grew just a few centimetres above the ground. There were literally no leaves on the plant, just 2 stems coming out from the soil and blooming one big flower on each of their heads. Both of the flowers were probably fully bloomed looking at their gigantic size and all those red spikes were too colourful for anyone not to notice them When passing by.


I didn't know if the flower plant had grown on its own (probably the seed got carried by birds) or got planted by my mother who loves to plant flower trees, but one thing for sure, it was really looking attractive and vibrant. So I snapped some pictures of it and thought to share them with you all. If by any chance you know the name of this amazing flower plant then please let me know its name in the comment section below.


The next photo that you see above is a newly made Clock Tower which was constructed just beside our Town Bus stand recently as a piece of Art and a local attraction. It is inspired by the world Famous Big Ben Clock Tower in London but smaller and simpler. But one thing is for sure, this new addition to our beautiful town is getting appreciated by all the local people and many are sharing photos of this brand new clock tower on their social media. Thanks to the Lion’s Club, which is a popular club in our locality for their contribution to making this Tower as it is the most gorgeous feather which got added to our town’s crown. There is also a decent but cool light work setup which added to this tower to make it look even more attractive during the night time.


Before finishing the post, allow me to share one last photo in this post and I clicked this one while travelling in a fast-moving bus. It was a hot afternoon and I was going back to my hometown from the city and while listening to my music playlist and enjoying the moving frames of the surroundings, I suddenly got mesmerised by this particular scene while crossing a bridge. The sun was about to set soon and was notifying the world with its orange rays colouring the whole sky. But a Gigantically large pillar surpassing all the surrounding buildings was challenging the sun and was showcasing its presence by blocking some of the rays. The Pillar is probably a part of a large overbridge or a Skyscraper which is in its construction phase and you can clearly see The Crain on top of it just like a fishing rod. The overall scenery really was so vibrant that it caught my eyes in no time and I immediately opened my phone and started clicking photos trying to capture this amazing moment in a still. However the bus was running fast and the road also had traffic and I somehow managed to capture only a few photos and though the above one was the best among them, I admit the quality is not good at all. I Wish I was just standing there with a good DSLR then I would have captured a great photo, but at least this blurry one will help me remember the amazing urban beauty in future, so I kept it as a memory and shared it with you all.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures that I shared in this post and also liked reading my post. Do you also like to capture these types of tiny beautiful moments like me?

Let me know in the comments below and I will be seeing you all in my next post.

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Beautiful pictures....this is true... beauty is everywhere ❤️


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