The fun of bathing in the swimming pool is different



Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello liketu lovers and all my hive friends, how are you all? I hope you are all very well, I am also very well with your prayers and the grace of the Creator.

Dear friends, welcome to my new post, today I will share with you a picture of a swimming pool, in the picture you will see my younger sister's younger son Araf.

The people of the village usually bathe in ponds or rivers, the fun of bathing in ponds and rivers is different. There is a river Jamuna next to our village, when we were little we all used to bathe in the river Jamuna, some other day I will try to share with you the picture of bathing in the river Jamuna.

At present most of the people in the village no longer bathe in the river, everyone has a tubewell in their house and there is a bathroom for bathing, now everyone bathes at home. And there are no ponds or rivers in the city, the people of the city are all busy with some or the other work, some are busy with jobs, some are busy with business, some are busy with studies. In the midst of this hustle and bustle, there is no need to go anywhere for leisure.

There is a need to visit places where bathing can be done in the open, there are swimming pools for bathing in various parks in Dhaka city, and large parks have swimming pools as well as water warts for recreation.

Some parks have separate swimming pools and water warts for adults and children, in which people can happily bathe. The swimming pools that have been built for the little ones have a lot of fun for the little ones, and they have different ways to swim and have different toys to play in the water.

The picture of the swimming pool that was shared with us is made for small children, in the picture you can see small children bathing, the water of the swimming pool is very clean and good, this water is cleaned every day, the swimming pool is for small children but here Older people can also take a bath.

You can see my younger sister's son Araf in the picture, it is a picture of a swimming pool in a park in Ashulia area of ​​Dhaka, the day was very funny.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.

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the children looked very happy to be in the pool, I wanted to swim.🤗


Thanks for your attention, swimming body benefits
