Spirited efforts


"I have told you that whatever your dream is, you can actualize it only when you put in spirited efforts in doing so.

"Something is wrong somewhere and I am sure that you know where the problem lies."

My level coordinator was right. I knew what the problem was.

Dr Gushit was my course adviser during my undergraduate studies. He was otherwise known as my level coordinator because he coordinated the affairs of my class from year 1 till year 5 before I graduated.

The results of my year 2 had just been released and I went to his office to discuss the result with him. He brought out the copy of the result from his drawer. We started to consider the grades one after the other.


Out of the seventeen courses that I offered that academic session, I got the grade of C in four. It was a disappointing performance to my level coordinator.

"Do you remember our discussion last year when your year 1 results were released?" He stood from his chair and came closer to me. I raised my head and nodded in response.

The previous year, I was in his office for the same purpose. I gave my whole energy as a freshman in the university to hit the ground running on a strong note. Despite the sleepless nights that I spent reading and preparing myself for the examinations, I ended up having a GPA (Grade Points Average) of 4.40.


This was 0.10 less than the minimum GPA that translates to a First Class. I buried the plan to graduate with such a class of degree. I believed that there was no way I could do better than what I had done in year 1.

However, my level coordinator wouldn't take all of that as an excuse. His response was that there was room for improvement.

"Sit up and do better, there is room for improvement if you double your efforts."

I listened to him attentively but I ruled out the possibility of doing better. I disliked stressing myself in an effort to get something done to no avail. I rather take things at my own pace and learn to be satisfied with the outcome.

The following session which was year 2, I did just like I had planned. My daily routine in year 1 was triangular in nature. Moving from class to my hostel room and to the hostel common room to read at night, I hardly participated in other activities on campus.

All of these changed in year 2. I began to play away my time. It was during this period that I registered on most social media platforms. I started making friends online. I was ready to give my studies the needed seriousness just to pass and move on. I lose interest in getting the best grade. I would go to the common room to read and ended up using the whole time to chat with friends on social media platforms. By the time I remind myself of what took me to the common room, it would be too late. My head would already be going down and up, under the influence of dozing. I would pack my books and return to my room to continue sleeping.

I handled things carelessly throughout the academic session.

The results of such a lackadaisical approach to my studies were staring me in the face.

When my level coordinator talked about his conviction that I knew where the problem was, everything that had happened played in my memory.

"Something must be responsible for these four C," he stated as his right index traced each of the C to the corresponding course title.

"Even GLT 201?" He continued.

"Something is definitely wrong somewhere. Ojo, open up to me. What happened?"

At this point, I needed to open up to Dr Gushit, who was more than a course adviser to me. He wanted every one of his students to achieve greater heights than him.

"Sir, I gave up my dream of getting the best out of my degree since I couldn't hit the first class mark after the efforts that I put in my year 1," I explained. "In this session that just ended, my dream moved to just passing my courses and moving on to graduate with any grade."

"You would have yourself to blame for this action that you are taking," my level coordinator cuts in. "If you give your all for a course, you would be satisfied with the result. But if you let yourself down in one way or the other, you would blame yourself for not maximizing your potential at the most important period of your life. Don't study for a particular grade, study to be the best that you can."

I left the office with the last statement ringing in my head. That was all that I needed to change my approach to learning. I renewed my plan to face my studies with the spirited efforts that were required.

I changed my studying attitudes in the succeeding academic session. I finished it with a little improvement cumulatively.


I maintained the same energy in year 4.

In year 5 which was my final year, I was unstoppable. I registered for 12 courses and got distinction in all.

It was a celebration galore when the final result came out. I crossed the mark.


"This should serve as a lesson to you. Never limit yourself from achieving what you are capable of achieving," Dr Gushit whispered to my ears on the day of my graduation.

It remains valuable advice for me till today. I put in the required effort in whatever I do. If I end up failing, the fact that I gave my best would be enough as consolation.

I derive satisfaction in the process rather than the result.

All the pictures belong to me except otherwise stated.


Your improvement was really remarkable. You must have been so happy.

Your course advisor is a rare gem he's advises really great. I wish my course advisor was like Mr. Gushit


The man is wonderful. Luckily for me, I am back under him for my masters degree.


This isn't just about sharing your story.I sort of feel a morale boost by looking through those results. And now I feel like I have been undermining my capabilities.

Your growth through the school years is very commendable. Many thanks to Dr Gushit too. It's just all beautiful.
Congratulations and well-done!!


I am glad that the story boost your morale. Most times, all we need around us are positive minded people. People that encourage us to be the best that we can.

Thank you very much.


Your progress and improvement is very tremendous. I think your course adviser took the work personal and his efforts towards helping you is very commendable.
It's always good to put in our best in whatever we do, the rewards are not always visible at the time but as time goes on, it becomes evident.


You are right. The course adviser believed in me more than I believed in myself. His encouragement helped me tremendously.
Thank you for reading.


Your teacher was wise. Working to our own satisfaction is all we can ask of ourselves. We know when we have failed at that, and we know when we have done our very best. It was fortunate that you could hear the wisdom of your teacher, and that you could respond to it.

Your piece has a good arc. It has good descriptions of your emotions and of events. We understand your motivation in the story, and that is important.

Thank you for sharing this with us, @lightpen.


He was a great teacher. Luckily for me again, I am back to work under him for my postgraduate studies. Thank you @theinkwell.


What an inspiring story @lightpen.
Your story is a good example that with spirited efforts and the right mindset, we can achieve whatever we set our minds to achieve. Thank you for sharing and congratulations.


Yes... If it is desirable, it is achievable.
