The beauty and ugly of life


I would for sure tell you that 70% of what I had planned out to achieve for myself few years back have not being achieved yet.
and if you would ask me maybe I'm living my life now the way I would love to live it, my answer would be, not yet,

life is beautiful, and one of the most beautiful times in your life is when you dream, when you dare to dream despite all odds, when you forget your problems for a moment

when you start to orchestrate how your future would be in your head, impossibility becomes nonexistent at the time, there' the feeling of being able to do anything no matter how hard just to achieve your dreams.

the next step is when you start to map out how you are going to change your world, you start drawing out your plans

but the third stage is going out to get the job done, which in contrast, you will find not to be as fun as you have thought it would be

it's easy to dream, it takes passion to properly plan, it takes undiluted discipline to work it out, and it takes perseverance and believe to achieve

the ugly part of life shows when all that you have planned for your future seems to have gone off course

I for one would be lying on this platform if I tell that I have achieve one tenth percent of what I had planned for myself years back.
my life is just starting to unravel, all the dreams I had years back are just starting to set in motion.

sometimes in life you ask for bread and what you will end up getting is flour. you don't need to complain because life is never gonna give you exactly what you want but it's gonna give you all you need.

you want bread but you are given flour, you just need to look for the remaining recipe get over to the oven house and make yourself what you want.

all would not come to you easily at once it has to be one at a time, you don't need to rush but you have to be swift.

because time is the inexplicably raw material, which must be reformed with a very high level of quickness.

one sad thing about time is that it flies but one happy thing to know of it is that you are the pilot.

one of the things I'm still very grateful for is that I'm still alive, which is the only thing that beats unachieved goals and unlived dreams

I'm going to make the most out of the beautiful time I have left, no untapped vision, no missed opportunity, no idle plan an unseized moment.

it's time to start living.


One sad thing is that you can’t get back a time which is lost.


70% haven’t been achieved but guess what?
A whole 30% has been achieved.
It’s really beautiful how you see life and how you plan on enjoying all the moments and not missing opportunities
