We can always try again.

2023 is going to be a memory in less than three weeks and we are all going to start the journey of another 365 days. Everyone is diving into the festive mood and the holidays will take things to a different level when companies and organizations start taking a break for the season. Already students have finished exams and families are reuniting again for the holiday.


I noticed a few things happening around me and don't know if it's happening like that with a lot of people than I know. A lot of people around me are complaining bitterly about not achieving everything they wanted in this year and it sounds as if they are preparing for the end of their lives and not the end of the year. I was once like that but everything changed and I developed a new perspective about setting new year resolutions.

A few years ago, the end of the year always felt like the end of the world. I always have New Year resolutions and failure to achieve everything on my list always made me very sad. It affected me so badly that I always felt like that year was a complete waste until I learned from one of my uncles who made it clear to me that you don't set a resolution to make yourself look like a failure or success, you set them to always help you stay on track with your goals throughout the year and his words sank into me since then.

Learning something different about New Year resolutions has made me go for things that would be very challenging and even though I can't achieve them, I will put in my best to make these things happen. I don't beat myself hard about not fulfilling my New Year resolutions and I feel like others should feel that way too.

Depriving myself of the joy of the season because of a New Year resolution I couldn't achieve would be quite unreasonable for me. Moreover, the year hasn't even ended and with the few weeks left, a lot of things can still be fulfilled. Whether I have just one day left to the end of the year, I don't deny myself the possibility of still achieving some things because my invested effort can produce an unexpected positive result at a time I wasn't even expecting it.

There are times when this feeling sets in and I want to start feeling down about things I couldn't achieve, I just remind myself that it's the end of the year and not the world. As long as there is a tomorrow, I have the privilege to shoot another shot at my goals. We don't know how many tomorrow's we have left for us as an individual but whenever I see the breaking of a new day, I know life has allowed me to keep pushing.

I don't know if there is anyone who feels disappointed about not fulfilling everything they have planned for the year 2023 on Hive, I have a few words for you.

Firstly, 2023 is not over and a lot can still happen if we are being true we the effort we are putting into making our goals achievable.

Secondly, not fulfilling all your goals this year doesn't make you a failure. It only means that we have to try harder again next year, acquire more knowledge, and devise other means to make those plans come to reality.

Thanks for reading and compliment of the season to everyone.


Thanks for sharing this wonderful publish with us @lara-bee .

The problem with us like the law of Economic said that “human wants are insatiable”. This means that when one want is met, we will go for another and will want to also achieve that , and it goes on and on.

Like you said, we should not be thinking of what we did not achieve as the year is ending, but we should be thinking of how we are alive and healthy, planning again for the year to come. All we could not achieve we put behind and hope for better 2024. Thoughtful Thinking - “Life is the greatest of All”. Greetings community.


Hey @lara-bee compliments of the season to you. That was a valuable lesson you learned there from your uncle.

Our New Year resolution should serve as a guide and motivation toward achieving our set goals and not make us feel like a failure in the end if we aren't able to tick all our lists.


This is such a beautiful read and eye opening too.

One thing I have done so far, to help me stay focus during this period of year end is that I don't have plans for just a year. I have my plans for three years to come, then I break them into mini plans.

So for me, it isn't a do or die affair, I'm not running to beat the time, I will beat the time with the pace I have set for myself with that style.
