The Horror Continues—Review Of A Quiet Place II (2020)


IMG_20231030_132143.jpgSource, Fair Use

If you want a horror movie that quickens your pulse all through ninety-seven minutes without a break, this is it! I watched the first film during the weekend and was impressed. I said as much in my review where I applauded John Krasinski's directing and discussed how the film turned out. I anticipated a better sequel and found it exceeded my expectations.

A Quiet Place II (2020) is an American post-apocalyptic horror, a sequel to the first film, that focuses on brutal survival in a world where alien creatures, extra-sensitive to sound have taken over. The opening scene is like a flashback to before the alien takeover. The Abbott family: Lee (played by John Krasinski), Evelyn (played by Emily Blunt), and their children are at a basketball game when the spectators spot a strange explosion in the sky and something falls to the Earth.

Source: YouTube

The game ends and everyone starts running for cover when ugly-looking aliens appear and chase after them. Lee and his deaf teenage daughter are in a car, trying to drive away from the scene but ditch the car and run into a diner with other people. Evelyn and her sons take another car and drive in the commotion to get to a safe place. Will this family make it out alive or will the aliens make mincemeat of them?


The first film, A Quiet Place is unnerving and scary but this sequel is even better. Writer-director John Krasinski did a fantastic job conceiving a brilliant plot that continues from the end of the previous film and gives the audience more horrifying and louder scenes to watch. A way of immobilising and killing the aliens has been discovered and it's time to share the knowledge with the world. But the aliens are not backing down—it's all about survival for both species.

This sequel ups the ante, making our hearts race with every jump scare and spooky scene. The camera is no longer fixated on the town of the Abbott family but widens to reveal other parts of the world ridden with aliens. Also, the storytelling is impressive. The focus is more on Evelyn, her deaf teenage daughter, her son and a friend of Lee, Emmett (played by Cillian Murphy). There's more dialogue in this film than the previous which fills in some gaps left by the first film.





The tension and suspense are well crafted. Every scene of silence creates a sense of fear and unease that puts viewers on the edge of their seats. Every footstep, the creak of floorboards and whispered word or signal becomes a matter of life or death for the characters.

The cast's acting is outstanding. Emily Blunt becomes more badass in this film and very protective of her children. Millicent Simmonds' performance as the deaf daughter is excellent and emotional. She tugs at our heartstrings with her selfless determination to help others fight the alien. Djimon Hounsou joins this cast and though brief, his acting is great.

Overall, A Quiet Place II is an enjoyable horror. I'll recommend it to all horror lovers. There's plenty of adrenaline from its beginning to the end and the cast is impressive. I'll give it 4 stars out of 5. I can't wait for the next sequels to be released in 2024 and 2025.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Other images are screenshots from the movie

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I was about saying it’s the old one we watched some years ago until I saw part 2. I like 👍 and will sure give it a look.


The sequel is much more captivating than the first film. I hope you watch it. Thanks so much for your visit. !PIZZA 🙂


Their neighbor friend pissed me off at the beginning when he said they should leave 😅. I am glad you enjoyed this second part. Let's hope the third will be satisfactory to the viewers. I enjoyed this movie a lot, it was a good watch, enjoyable and entertaining.

!discovery 42


I'm sure the next sequel will be just as good as the other two. I agree Emmett was annoying at first but he changed his mind and decided to help the Abbott family. Those alien creatures are very annoying! 😄 Thanks so much for reading my review. !PIMP
