The Desire To Look For Money First, The Superiority Among Most Things

The quest for money and make money is the Superior Necessity in life. Even though money isn't everything but money solve most of our problems in life. In life one of the difficult disease to cure is poverty. Talking from experience, most of our Grandparents have ever lived in life. They either accepted that the fact that they were born in poverty, that poverty still remain in the family. I see this as a curse and I don't admit that idea.



Due to some believes which sometimes blindfold our eyes and other spiritualities which our forefathers accepted, this idea has passed from generation to generations and it's rather eating badly in our societies today. Some even believes that they are destined to give birth, multiply and fill the Earth at the expense of money. The mindset of exchange of birth for money still remain their brain drain. That is the meer fact some still remain poor throughout their generation. I came to meet such idea in my family and I'm a type that don't believe this notion.

I believe that things would work out perfect as one begins to change his attitude and work harder. Money is everywhere, but the wisdom to harness it becomes a challenge for us. Why is that we have all the means to be wealthy but we are still wallowing in poverty? We have bauxite, gold, diamond, cocoa, timber, oil, manganese and many resources, yet we still beg for money to rebuild our nation? The knowledge to mine all these raw materials into finished goods become a challenge.

I see money as one of the principal asset to look for to make life easy and meaningful for everyone. You'll get people to love you because of your money. Most of relationship, family bonding and friendship depends on money. It's the main reason why many marriages are breaking up now. The economy has been so high to the extent that we need to get huge money to be able to survive and live luxurious life, that is having your own apartment, stocked with everything, driving in your own porch car, making funs with friends and families.

Money opens doors of establishing good connections of businesses, getting good mate and giving back to your community or societies. Many people can create much opportunities for good businesses dus to lack of money. It's good to get money so that you can be awarded with lucrative business contracts, build international relationship with many business Gurus around the World. Money paves way for good classmates of business minded and put you into higher level. I believe most of the Contractors are the people with lot of money who have established good relationship with their mates.

Money is the means to stand on top of your family, provides basic needs for their daily lives. It is the means to set higher standards in your children education. Many people do not get quality education for their Children due to the fact that they don't have more money. They just enrol their wards in low class schools which at the end, their children wouldn't get good grades as well as good classmates. It's very imperative to get good foundation for your children so that they can build upon it even when you as a father isn't there. For me, I'm planning the best education for my children and it's my plea that all my plans should come to past.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
