In Devastation | The Worrying State Of My Health

About two weeks ago, I decided to have a chest x-ray, not because I was having any symptoms, but just because it's been a long time. I wasn't sure if my brother's passing was a cardiac issue or not, but I had to do that test anyway. The x-ray discovered a mild enlargement of the heart after about 5 days of getting the result. 5 days later, I did an echocardiography as a result of the recommendation I had in the x-ray. The scan result showed mild left atrium dilation and grade one diastolic dysfunction and for a 30-year-old, this was a little bit too early.


However, having the underlying health issues I had meant that this was a possibility. Majorly the cardiologist who did the test didn't even read it to me. Cardiologists are hard and difficult to come by and as a result of this, I couldn't the services of this one. However, the two specialists I need now are a Hematologist and a Cardiologist. They alone can spot the cause of this problem and help me to address it. However, from the means of information I sought, I found out that the major source of this is as a result of hypertension.

I was massively hypertensive in 2015, but this was later addressed and since 2016 till now I've maintained a stable blood pressure. However, it seemed the harm was done already which was why I had that mild dilation of the atrium. I've never been overworked in my life looking for these two specialists. I've been depressed for over two weeks now, hardly feeding and hardly concentrating on anything. I've spent all the money I have, borrowed from friends, and already started selling my hive assets. I'm contemplating selling some of my belongings, ranging From my iPhones and other things.

My life is currently at a standstill and not having access to specialists the way I want makes matters worse. I'm scared of the long-term effect of this in my life, so trying to approach this from this point of view is the only thing I've been trying to do. After my brother's passing, I've been trying to prioritize a lot of things and even after spending a lot of money, I still cannot get the needed care I want. Most of the doctors I met only want to collect money without really helping.

This is mostly the biggest problem. It's difficult to find a doctor who is genuine enough to offer care. The costs heading into the future do not bother me, I want to know what I'm facing and how to handle it. How to go about the treatments, if this left atrium dilation is reversible, or if I need to continue managing it? I don't want to spend any more time waiting for it. The waiting is the biggest part. Sadly, I have to move from mourning my brother to worrying about a health condition that is a big scare.

I didn't think I'd be in this position and maybe, just maybe if I had checked my hypertensive level in 2015, it wouldn't have been this way. But then, I didn't have the resources and I felt it was the crisis resulting from my health condition and that pain away months later. Right now. I'm doing a lot of "what ifs" I'm seriously scared and this has put me in a very depressive state. I've managed to maintain my blood pressure for seven years now, and even when I tried to still check yesterday. It's been totally normal.

I'm terrified of everything and I've lost every connection to everything around me. I'm lost and currently don't know what to do anymore. Being orphaned and having no immediate family to help me everything makes it worse. I've not been really sick in a while now, I thought I'd managed my health properly but this is just too unbearable for me. I don't know what to do or go from here, it's utterly devastating


Sorry to hear about your health issues, health is the true wealth as they say. Did you try any natural health alternatives? The elusive elixor is hard to find in the modern health industry. It treats more symptoms than cure, which then causes more worse side effects.


I haven't, I need a proper diagnosis firstly to determine to root cause. I don't know if it's the anemia I've suffered all my life or the hypertension in 2015. I'm just so confused


I feel your pain, I can only imagine how stressful it must be. I hope you can make some progress.


I think what you need now is getting to see those specialist as that is the major thing that is kind of possible of making you feel a little better as it stands.

If I'd advise you, there is a state hospital at Asaba called FMC and they have really good doctors and most especially, they are more concerned about the well being of their patients, I'm suggesting you give it a try and don't just look for those specialist only where you are


I agree with her, going to a federal medical center may help. Maybe it's time you change a doctor. Where I schooled has the best cardiologist in Nigeria, Teaching Hospital SHIKA , Zaria, Kaduna state. Just Incase you want to give it a try, and their cost is less compare to other part of the country


I know, but the distance is just the problem, accessing such distance is the major problem.


Well distance is something I'm running away from, but i guess it's inevitable know, I have no option but to explore other places, thank you


You're welcome, I pray you find what you're looking for soon 🥰


Sorry to hear about this hard phase in your life. One thing I am so sure is you are a strong man and a fighter and I am very sure you will overcome this phase. The best thing is for you not to give up, I know it's hard but we just need to keep going. Wishing you speedy recovery


Sorry about your health dear, I hope you get to see this specialist to find out the root of the problem.
And also there is nothing God cannot do. Have faith.🤞
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I haven't been able to. Seeing a specialist is difficult here. I've only kept trying.

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Yes, let me know where you'll like to have it.


Oh no. Have you tried another state?

Are you on Discord? Like the neoxian cost or any other so I can search for you there.
My discord username is treasureawesome


Sorry about the state of your health, it is really devastating to be sincere but I pray for Gods total healing upon your life , only God heal and make you whole, you will live long , don't be scared God is with you , just make sure you are with God .God bless you .


Oh this is so sad, reading this I can feel how worried and helpless you are about the state of your health. I know every other person may feel same way if they find themselves in your situation but I just want you to take it easy. Remember worrying isn't going to solve the situation, rather it may even compound it.
I don't know but I will suggest you to look up the internet, you might get information or a heads up that can help you mange it till you are able to get the needed medical attention.

Please take care of yourself.




The internet even gives me sleepless nights, but I'll keep exploring the choices I see and hope I can find a better choice


I’m really sorry to hear about the current situation, man.

I would recommend that you look at the countries neighboring Nigeria if you’re finding it difficult to find or book appointments with some of the specialists in Nigeria.

I can ask around here for a Hematologist and a Cardiologist for you. I hope this get better soon, man. Stay safe.


Good morning brother, I've read through your post and I empathize with you. My suggestion is that, you seek more resources and find specialists outside of Lagos. Lagos seems to be a place for the survival of the fittest. Perhaps neighbouring states maybe.

Reversal is unlikely but proper management is very feasible with good prognosis. You may be placed on frequent check ups till your health is stabilized.


Ota State Hospital is at Ogun state, but the doctors I saw (private) said I might have to go to Luth if I want. They said it's a minor situation and which won't progress if I take the medication they gave me. However I still want to explore other choices.


It is sad that you have to go through some health issues but never to worry, God is the ultimate healing, you just have to trust him and he will bring the right Hematologist and Cardiologist to you. Stay strong.


It's a pity when I read about the state of your health. I will continue praying for you to meet the right Dr that will help you sort this problem because I believe there are still few ones out there. Just keep telling people and don't keep quiet about it Bro. I bet this isn't the write time to vent my anger on Nigeria Medical system that's so worse to extent that I couldn't imagine. All is well.


So sorry about your health condition, you need to look for a genuine doctor who has a keen interest in your health, I hope you heal soon.


I don't even know what to say because my words alone won't fix things. I wished I knew the right doctor that you need who will give you that time. I really wish I could help, and it is very sad and frustrating that I can't.

I am very sorry, pal. I am sorry you are going through this difficult time, but I can assure you that I'll put you in my prayers. I believe things will get better.


Thank you for the well wishes and the tip. I know and appreciate all your care and concern. I don't take it for granted and I'm still hopeful


Thanks too for letting out all that you feel. It isn't easy. And you are doing well. Just keep the hope alive and thriving.


I am very sorry to read that you are in this situation. I'm sure you know, worrying only helps it get worse, so stay calm as much as you can and look for the medical resources that are within your reach.
You are a young person and it is very possible that your health is in time to recover, try not to despair before knowing the diagnosis.
I see that you have a lot of support here, but anyway if you need someone to listen and support you, you can look for me.
I hope you are well, take care of yourself. A hug. 🫂


I know I shouldn't worry, but I'm doing exactly that. Thank you for the kind words


The best part is you got friends all the way across the world that actually care about you! Looks like you've got family that you're really tight with too!

Just like all extremely stressful situations please work on breathing and taking care of yourself. That's the most important part.

Your health is something that is incredibly priceless. If we don't take care of it there will come a day where we will give everything that we have to get it back.

If you can seriously work on your own personal development and distressing this will be something that isn't a problem at all and you can continue living an amazing life.

Start marking positives. Definitely start making goals and being appreciative of what you have today.

My little brother had open heart surgery at 18 months old and my family's had a lot of heart problems and health issues including mom having heart attacks and my uncle as well.

Biggest thing is to take care of yourself exercise and mentally take care of your stress levels. Stress immediately and dramatically affects the heart.

I'm following you and I'm going to say some prayers. I am a native American medicine Man and hopefully my prayers will support you from afar.

Next up you need to keep yourself busy so select some goals and dive in to getting where you need to be... If you're too busy you ain't got time to think about silly stuff!

And may you have an amazing day from me and my super amazing puppy dog.

Wave Media


Thank you, health care here is worse. I'll leave the country to a better place for health care if I had the resources, but I sure don't have the resources I want. But I'm certain I want to seek that external help.
Thank you for all the advise and everything, for your prayers too. I totally appreciate.


I really appreciate you being honest with the world! And I can't wait to invest in helping you out.

Set up a goal list. And set it up so that you can ask for what you need. And then start working to get yourself there. I bet others will be excited to help you get there as well.


Oh and by all means please come to the free compliments community and come hang out with a bunch of positive people. We've got mental health ambassadors that would love to hang out with you. I'm one of those and I'd love to hang out and chat with you about hive. I've got this secrets of high class that teaches people how to maximize and utilize our Hive accounts in ways that some people aren't aware of yet.

Not to mention all the different amazing communities that we have.

I think that there's going to be a big huge need for people being positive and helping others out. I think that mental health ambassadors are going to become a very important role in the future. And I think that maybe one of these days you might end up being one of those people. Because if you got to go through crazy stuff to understand other people.

At least you're saying something about this at least you're talking about things! Some people don't and that's where the situation gets even worse is because they don't feel like their words have been heard.

Thank you very much for your post today and hopefully you can come hang out with the free compliments community and maybe even help be a mental health ambassador!


You have done very well that you have gone to the doctor. A person should go to the doctor quickly and get a check-up done. Even if a person is sick, the doctor works hard to cure him, but some people. There are those who spend years like this and have no hope of recovery afterwards.


I am sorry to hear about all of these issues and I don't think there is any point of regretting what you didn't do in the past. Just try to treat it if you can and I think your health is always going to be more important. I hope you are able to find a good doctor and solve this issue.


I sure do regret a lot of things. This one is one of them. I should have done better if I had known that it would get out of hand and now here is the result.


Easier said than done, I know, and I realize that it's your heart but in the state that you're in, it's logical that you struggle to focus on the positives.

If I see the result:

I see 'normal'
and 'grade 1'

The first two words seem fine to me.
Grade 1 is also the lowest on a scale.

If you try looking at it from that perspective, it doesn't seem to be a bad result.

I know it's not the heart
but did you know that most people from 20 years in age onward have all kind of seeming 'injuries' in their back, once they get a scan, basically because that's what happens with the body when we grow older

which doesn't mean that it's bad or that we need to be in pain.

I might have said it before but I really suggest looking into mind-body work and not focusing too much on Western medicine
that basically focusses on the symptoms ( to sell drugs and operate and make money ) and not on the cause.

Sending much love 💚


Quite a devastating situation bro, I don't even know what to tell you. The best I can do is say a prayer and hope that you can get the best treatment available. It is always a good idea to seek a second, third and even fourth opinion from different doctors before deciding on a course of action. Thank you for sharing and please keep us updated :}


I know how depressing this can be, and you can't help but worry. I pray you find the care and help that you need ❤
I pray you get well soon!!❤
