My Actifit Report Card: June 8 2024 : I Am Alive Challenge


Hi Amigos πŸ‘‹

hee hee hoo

We are here again.

Welcome to my actifit report for Saturday, 8th June,2024.

The day is finally here, is always a reminder day, and is here.

Is a day that nysc registration starts.

Well, after all the delays, it is finally time for me to go through the nysc process.

I woke up and did a few things in the house before sluggishly walking to a nearby accredited cyber cafe for the registration.

Getting there by 9:15am and everywhere looked as if I had come so early.

Minutes later, some other person came.

We were given a form to fill while we wait for the portal to open.

The portal opened, and the place was already filled up.

We noticed the three days registration date instead of a week that was initially announced.
Tension increased.

The second annoying part of not being able to create a profile because of NIN issues came.

We all lost hope and left for our houses. After nysc accepted and promised to fix the issue.

On getting to the house, we received news that the portal is working fine.

I rushed back and was able to register.

I wanted to be done with that phase so I could continue with other things.

I came back, prepared, and ate dinner before calling it a day.

Thank you very much for visiting my blog 😘 πŸ’•

Wishing you a blessed Sunday 😊

Photos are taken with my Android Mobile Phone

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking, Walking


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