Christmas arrived in the laundry

Hello my dear friends, I am today in the laundry of a dear friend in the city of Coro, Falcon state, Venezuela.

I want to show you a little of what will be our beginning to decorate the laundry room with Christmas decorations.

After several years, people have lost these customs and we want to rescue them so that when they enter this place they feel at home!

Next I will show you a little about the place "come wash here you will love it, also I will advertise it"

Well, as you can see we are full, the laundry collapsed, there is no water and it is raining and people keep bringing more clothes, look at this

Well I will start decorating and I will place some Christmas tablecloths in the washing machines


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Very nice to see that you are helping people. Very good work. First thing would be great is to remove that socialist president dictator. Maduro must go. Good luck

Posted via Veews