Love Undeniable


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Why do you need to scream whenever you return from school, do you intend to alter the frequency of my hearing? David said to his annoying little sister who had just returned from her school and discovered her big bro was back from the boarding house.
I'm just too happy to see you although I know you didn't, Celine replied.
Oh come off it, David replied as he spread his arms inviting her into a big hug. Which she generously obliged as she ran into his arms, you are so annoying but I love you still he whispered.
That's your problem, I hope you brought something back, Celine said as she broke out of the hug and began searching through like she owned it. On siting a pack of cookies she took it and immediately opened it while running.
Celine, he screamed out. That isn't yours bring it back.
That fell on deaf ears as the young lad had rushed back to the sitting room to join her favorite tv cartoon.
"I wonder what I did to deserve such an annoying girl", he mumbled.

David and Celine had lost both parents to a fatal accident leaving both of them as the only survivors. Having no other family, they were moved to stay with foster parents. Luck was on their side as both families agreed to take both children as David wasn't willing to be separated from his sister. He was trained with the mentality of always watching and being there for her but since the lad turned 9, she became a personal tyrannt to her big bro whenever he was home on holidays. From screaming his name while he was sleeping to sprinkling water randomly on him, taking his stuffs and threatening to report if she saw him with a female. In all this the duo were inseparable.
David, that cookie was so nice can I have another?
I didn't even give you any cookie he replied
I observed you moved it from your bag, Celine said
Oh God, you go through my stuffs now? David asked.
Realizing he wasn't pleased, she quickly apologized for her flaws. She knew when she had over stepped her boundaries and would easily retract her steps.
This made David to forgive her easily as he couldn't understand why she could be sweet and cute and still be the bitter pain in his class.

But who were the cookies for, Celine thought.
She was bent on knowing and snuck around until she she saw David pack them. She followed behind very carefully while he entered the alley.
I got some more cookies for you, David said
He was speaking with a strange girl maybe my age mate who was sitting there with a younger child. I couldn't stay hidden as I wanted to know her.
Hey David, who's she? Celine bursted
Everyone was immediately startled
Celine, what are you doing here? David asked
I followed you, so who do we have here?
This is Whitney and her younger sister, I promised I would share some cookies with them till I returned back to the boarding house.
Awwwwwn that's so sweet of you bro, reaching out her hands to to girls, hey Whitney, I'm Celine his younger sister.
Although David acted tough most times, Celine knew her brother had a soft spot for helping others that was why she could easily get anything from him.
She joined her brother to chat with her girl on the alley, immediately made friends and promised to share her food and clothings with her.
David and Celine returned home together holding hands while appreciating and being grateful for the things they had especially each other.

Thank you for reading, I hope you had fun while basking on the love the both siblings had for each other although they seemed difficult. You can partake in this contest by visiting the ink well link


This is a sweet story. You show the relationship between brother and sister well. You also create believable characters in David and Celine. The voice of the narrator is consistent. The narrative arc might have been a little stronger, but overall a good job.

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Thank you very much for those encouraging words


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