Friendship Apart


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In the region of Ruskry, where all the animals co-habited most peacefully and amicably. Roger (the rat) and Capi (the cat) were very good neighbors who eventually became best of friends. Every other animal in the kingdom knew about this friendship but Torli (the tortoise) was envious about their closeness. No animal wanted to be friends with him because he cunned and deceived everyone around him. He was never sincere in his dealings hence people avoided him. To add to his bad record he was also very greedy and a thief as well.
The famine in the land was becoming more serious because of the delay of the rainy season which was quite abnormal. To maintain order in the community, the king made a decree against theft especially picking from other's harvest. The penalty was banishment from the land. This decree helped many as they could manage whatever produce they had with their families.
One afternoon, as Roger was returning from a meeting, she caught Capi's son in another's farmland picking kernels, she quietly went in and dragged him by the ear taking him tho his mother. She met her on the way as she was returning from where she went to get water.
Abomination, Roger said
What happened, Capi asked,
"Any child that does not want his mother to sleep will also not sleep", 'why would your son want to make you run naked in broad daylight?,' Roger added
A confused Capi put down her water pot especially after seeing Roger with her son.
My friend what is it? She asked again
I caught your son picking kernels at Mazi's farm.
Capi was so shocked on hearing this as she swung into interrogating her son who affirmed this. She also thanked her friend for bringing her son to her rather than escalating the issue to the palace. She also pleaded with Roger to keep the issue a secret. Unfortunately Torli was passing by where he stopped by and listened to their conversation.
Later that evening, Torli saw Roger leave the King's palace.
This is an opportunity to tempt this friendship, Torli thought to himself.

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He immediately went to visit Capi.
Torli what brings you to my house this evening, Capi asked
Torli does not crawl out of its tent unless the fire is on the mountain, he said
Your son stole at Mazi's farm and Roger caught her, he added.
How did you know, Capi asked...
Your friend, Roger agreed to keep it a secret but he was just leaving the king's palace where he went to report your son. That is where I got to know about this, he continued.
Capi with so much rage and annoyance ran off to find Roger while Torli walked behind in laughter. Immediately Capi set eyes on Roger at her home, she pounced on her without saying a word. All pleas of Roger fell on deaf ears as Capi was bent on strangling her. It took God's grace for Roger to slip away and run for his life.
Till date, Roger does not know what he did wrong to Capi and this is why the rat would run immediately it sets it's eye on the cat.

Thank you for going through my post


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Torli is evil, I am glad Roger was able to slip away and run for his life.
Innocent and kind Roger could have been death.
Capi could have confirmed what Torli told him with his friend Roger, is really not good to jump to conclusions.
Nice story.


You are very right, Capi should have confirmed atleast for friendship sake


Waw, what a tale.
You created a scene of less than 5 active fictional characters and it ended with a reality.
This is the more reason why we should ask questions before reactions so as to aid our gravity of reaction.
I hope you're not confused already.
Thanks for sharing.


There were less than five active fictitious characters in your scene.
This is why we should always ask questions before reacting.
