These Things Puts Me Off


We are all different and unique in our own ways, what one may be so comfortable with another may be so irritated with same. This may be how the slogan came about "unity in diversity" that's to say in as much as we a different in many ways but there are things that commonly we agree on.

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As a young girl, I grew in a family setting that calls black colour black and not white and my parents values it when you are just yourself, my mother don't even want to hear you tell your brother he is telling lies. So, this was how I grew and I hate to see people lie around me the most common lie that people blow on random is to tell another person in a different location that he is elsewhere. For instance someone is in Lagos but tells another he is in Abuja. Many don't see anything wrong with that kind of behavior. Severally I tell people around me the importance of being sincere because if you tell one lie you will have to tell another lie to cover up the previous. You know those lies that parents tell in front of their children, when someone comes to look for me tell him that am not around. And some children will just disgrace their parents by saying, my father said he is not around.....😜😜😜😜

One other thing I dislike is unhealthy competition. This one just puts me off and I try my best to stay away from such people. Some years back I happened to rent a shop close to one lady who sees everything to be competitive. This lady ended up eating up her shop with her mouth, today she stays at home because her husband wasn't happy with her. One of the days she told me that am so stingy down to my son. Then I was have one child, she went ahead to tell me of how my husband gives me money to buy things for my baby and I refuse to make use of it. Engaging in this kind of competition will always makes one to be spending unnecessarily and will not be able to have any saving because one will just run his life trying to please others at the expense of himself.

One last thing I will talk about that puts me off is someone who is so lazy. Some people are too lazy and their laziness can be contagious if proper care is not taken. These lazy people finds everything so difficult and at the end they blame people for their failure. These lazy people blames the government for everything and they don't even see their own responsibility. Even if when they try a thing and it didn't workout they lock their heart to other opportunities, Kai!!! I hate this one with all that's in me.

In my daily endeavor I have come across people like this and do my best not to speak so much around them because they will always have a contrary view, you can't even win these set of people in argument so it's best to let them be in their own palace. It is best to be yourself, keeping working hard and be patient as things will certainly unfold well some day.

My take on today's topic, hope you have a blessed week ahead. Thank you for stopping by my blog as this serves as my entry to the hive learners contest week #119 and the first edition for the week


lies put me off too, I find it difficult dealing with liars.
People who engage in unhealthy competitions would sooner than later be filled with regrets. Thankfully you didn't fall into that trap.


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Unhealthy competition only brings sufferings indeed. The lady should value the individual relationship and avoid such behavior.


That's it...just spending to please and feel high


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