📈📊 'Naturalmedicine' Weekly ( June 06, 2024 to June 12, 2024 ) stat report 📊📈

Hello Guys

Here is the weekly update of Naturalmedicine (hive-120078) stats 📊📈 report.
These stats are generated from posts created between June 06, 2024 to June 12, 2024 .
Except 'Top Token Earners' Chart, which is generated based on tokens issued during these dates.

These stats cover below :

  • Highest Number of Posts by users
  • Highest Number of Up-Votes by users
  • Top HBD Earners

Highest Number of Posts by users

This Chart shows Top 10 users who have posted highest number of posts with naturalmedicines (hive-120078) tag.
@silvareview, @calendulacraft, @vesytz topped the list with 2, 1, 1 posts.

Highest Number of Up-Votes by users

This Chart shows Top 10 users who have upvoted highest number of posts with naturalmedicines (hive-120078) tag.
@calendulacraft, @likedeeler, @dkmathstats topped the list with 7, 5, 5 up-votes.

Top HBD Earners

This Chart shows Top 10 users who fetched highest number of HBDs from their posts with naturalmedicines (hive-120078) tag.
@jenthoughts, @calendulacraft, @vesytz topped the list with 5.956, 5.180, 4.962 HBD.

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Please up-vote and re-blog to support.


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