Tony and cohorts


Tony, a 15 years old boy had retired to bed after making a caricature of his Mom agonizing prayers as his custom is always, he fell asleep immediately. Suddenly, he saw himself before a panel of twelve giants headed by stern-looking judges who ordered one of the giants to play him a video. Tony was overwhelmed because he thought it was his favorite computer game he was about playing. But sadly, it turned out to be the video of his Life. The judges titled it "The scenes of Tony behavior to his mom".

The video had so many scenes.The scenes of his stubbornness to his teachers, bullying of his siblings and school mates, his disorderliness in church and the many times he deliberately disturbed the preacher while he was preaching. There were also scenes of all the bad things he did without the knowledge of another. He was shocked. But, the scenes that broke him were the scenes of his stubbornness and mockery of his mom prayers for him.

He watched the scenes of the many times his mom showed him unconditional love and the countless times his mom fasted and prayed for him to have a change of life.
"He was completely broken down by the scenes. He also saw how his mom prayed for him while doing laundry,at the rest room,in the kitchen, in the church and in the office. He watched as she prayed for him each time she came across saved youths and when she sees a troublesome youngster like him. When the video ended,a den of ferocious looking lions appeared in the distance. His kneels trembled and knocked against each other. His whole body quivered with fear. Then he heard one of the judges pass his verdict, 'Bundle him up and throw him into the den. 'Immediately, four of the giants apprehended him and were about throwing him into the den when he began screaming, 'please, mom, don't let them throw me into the den. I'm ready to change now. I'm sorry for all the bad behaviors. Please forgive me......"Please, sir, don't throw me to the lions, I'll turn over a new leaf. I'II obey and respect my mom.

I won't make trouble in school or anywhere anymore again. Please! Please! Please!my Mommy! my Mommy!" He screamed out of sleep, visibly quivering and sweating profusely. His wailing woke his Mom who came running down to his room. What is wrong? Tony, talk to me, it's mom. Do you have an ache or it is a nightmare? "No! Don't throw me to the lions den,"He continued pleading, vigorously shaking his head as he fled from the direction of the voice not knowing it was his mom's.
"Tony, come over here, it's me", his mom kept saying as she walked towards him. When she was close enough,she grabbed him tightly in a warm embrace, "Everything is going to be alright,son". Mom, I am sorry for my stubbornness, forgive me. Please, I don't want to be torn into shreds by those fearsome lions, "He pleaded with her. Lions? What lions? His Mom asked in utter bewilderement.

He then opened his eyes and looked around the room but everywhere was quite and still. "Oh," his mom sighed, realizing what was really happening. "You must have an impressive nightmare". "Yes mom, he muttered, still shuddering and sobing. He then narrated the dream to his mom.
At this juncture, his mom could not hold back the tears any longer. She drew him closer and hugged him again.
Right there, he cried and gave his life to christ.

The next day in school,Tony could not forget the overall effect of what happened to him. Later, that afternoon during break period, Tony called all his friends to share the amazing event of the previous night.
His friends, Beatrice, Comfort, Donald, Stephen are all in the black list of the school. He told them the impression the nightmare of the previous day has led to his change of attitude. He also encouraged them to also follow suit as this will have a great impression also in other stubborn children in their school, neighborhood and family as a whole.
The parents of Tony's friends were in dismay as they observed a change of attitude in their children.

The school authority, including the principal and other staffs as well as the students of Mac-best secondary School were in shock and impressed by the Tony and his friends. The next week continued and the new changed students continued in their transformed impressive behavior. The principal still shocked by Tony's character, called him and his cohorts in order to be clarified on what was happening to them. There, Tony shared the impression of his nightmare which has led to a change in his character and that of his friends.

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Have a great week.

0.07888244 BEE

There comes a point when one changes for good. The human is basically good natured but sometimes loses its way and commit mistakes. Nice one.

0E-8 BEE

Welcome to The Ink Well, @giftjames. Thank you for joining us, and for taking the time to read and comment on the work of other writers.

In this story, Tony seems to have viewed his dream as a real-life cautionary tale, which has brought about a complete change in behavior. (And then he decides to devote himself to Christ, which is certainly an interesting interpretation of the dream.)

We often provide feedback on stories, and we have a few notes for you. Something is quite mixed up in your story. It appears that you have most of the story appearing above the image, and then the beginning is repeated again after the image, but the second version includes the end of the story. You might want to fix that so readers are not confused. Additionally, we usually suggest that our authors avoid overly religious themes, because we are a very diverse community of individuals who come from different ethnic and spiritual backgrounds.

There are, of course, countless things to write about. In fact, we provide many different story ideas to help our community members to think creatively. You can find 150 different ideas in these three articles:

Again, welcome and good luck with your writing!

0E-8 BEE