Went for breast cancer test


I share on this day dated november 1 of this year 2022, where I had my appointment at where I work to have some check-ups corresponding to my health, where I have several cysts and I have to be aware of that now I got two big hairs in my brow.

I got up early to thank God, who in the midst of trials fills me with peace to overcome everything to continue trusting in him, to help me in everything... After finishing my prayer, I went to prepare everything for My family member who is in special care due to his clinical condition, I left everything ready to go to my appointment that I had scheduled for today

I arrived at the place where I had the appointment, I had to be before the time to go through the administrative part, where I really liked their attention and very orderly to do things for exams. I did all the procedures, I took advantage of the promotions that were in the Higea diagnosis, where it was highly recommended, to do the breast examination...

Then I went through the glass door, where a very friendly promoter received me to give me instructions on all the steps I was going to take for all the studies I had to do, which were several, one was a breast echo, mammography, abdominal echo for check my entire stomach.

I went to the exhibitors to undress and then put everything in the box, all my personal things, ready with my medical gown, and then go to the waiting area for the patients who were scheduled for today, then an illness came out very attentive to indicate me on the site for review.

After all indication of possible illness; He placed me in a chair to wait and be attended by several doctors, where they appointed me to have my mammogram, after finishing, wait for the other check-ups corresponding to the other exams, since there were more or less people in the waiting room. Where I have to wait for the results to see a specialist mastologist surgeon in the area for my studies.


I hope that the result will come out ok for you, and that there is nothing to worry about.
God Bless my friend


Thanks for the motivating words.. I felt kind of relieved after reading your comment.. but to be honest It is a scary situation to be in but I believe the results will be a good one..
