What is the spark of your life?


Hello Hivians. How are you spending this wonderful Thursday in May? I hope that very good. I was here a little thinking about what to write today and the truth is that I couldn't think of anything. So I've started thinking about what motivates me to get up every morning.
What is the spark of my life?

For me the response has been quick and clear, my family. Without a doubt since I had my children my life has changed a lot, not from the physical or material point that has followed a similar pattern, but from the mental point.
Now my life revolves around them, their life and their future. I guess it's the most normal thing when you're a mother.

But that makes you think because a few years ago what motivated me were other things. I wonder what will motivate me when they are adults and leave home. Even though they are always in my life, the situation will change again.

Life is thus a succession of stages in which you must seek your motivation and your path to follow. There are no good or bad paths, only those that make you feel good and motivate you to get up every day as if it were the first of your life.

Created with: nightcafe
Web: https://creator.nightcafe.studio/my-creations

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