Plant Calendula in my garden to obtain its benefits.

Hello friends, today following my latest Monday posts that are a little different from the usual ones, I am going to talk to you about a plant that I love and that I planted this weekend. It is Calendula. Also known as wonder flower or buttercup.

Surely you are all familiar with this plant because it is used both as a medicinal plant but above all in a multitude of cosmetic uses such as skin creams.
But it is also one of the best plants that we can have in our garden if we want to enjoy healthy and nutritious vegetables.

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Calendula is a very easy plant to grow. It propagates very well by seeds so all we have to do is drop some seeds on the ground, cover with a little soil and water abundantly. With that in just over a week we will have our Calendula plants. Then if we want it in the same place it is not necessary to replant it because it does it itself with its seeds.
It must be taken into account that it is a large plant that can reach 70 cm in height, so you must take this into account due to the space it will occupy.

Its properties for the garden are similar to those of the Tagete that we already saw in this other publication
But it offers us more variety and is especially suitable for combining it with the Solanaceae family such as tomato, pepper or eggplant.
It will also attract many pollinators to the garden such as bumblebees and honeybees that will improve production.
And as an extra, say that the petals of the Calendula flower are edible so you can give a touch of color to salads.

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