A diamond is forever.


Hello everyone. With one of my sons' new hobby of geology or as he calls it "treasures." In addition to building good quadriceps from walking, climbing mountains and bending down to pick up rocks, it has also made me remember my love for minerals.
As I said in a previous publication, I have a small collection of rocks and minerals that I acquired when I was still a teenager.

And of course the mineral that a girl likes the most is diamond, keep that in mind guys. You know, a diamond is forever. Unfortunately I have not been able to collect the diamonds that I would have liked but what are we going to do? Who knows, one day Bitcoin is worth 1 million, maybe I can start my collection.

Diamonds are fascinating, they are the hardest mineral on Earth, something like Superman. Most people associate it with transparency but diamonds can be white, black, colorless, pink, blue, red, yellow or brown.
They are also associated with jewelry and luxury but they also have very important industrial uses.

One of the most fascinating diamonds in history is the Hope Diamond which weighs 45.52 carats. And it has a fascinating story behind it but that will be for another publication in the meantime you can admire its beauty in this photograph.

By David Bjorgen - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=525480

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