The Cottage Fairy Companion


It's a gentle soft read but definitely not a self-help. I liked how the book's got all these sweet images and pictures, it's very cottage-core and calming. I also liked how we go through seasons and like there's a sort of pattern followed yet it's pretty free-flowing as well and very in line with the content. Some stuff got me frustrated as well because while she mentions being able to create a similar cottage core vibe in the city, it's not really explained how and isn't applicable to my current circumstances. I liked some of the crafts shared but again, I couldn't vibe with most of them because they're like trinkets that I wouldn't actually like having... Despite that, I still really liked the slow vibes and it felt quite relaxing and almost like I'd been living vicariously through the author's words. It was a 3-star read for me. I feel like to just read that genre dosent really help you will actually also have to do something and I'm to lazy to actually put these things into practise. Maybe if i was actually able to do the crafts then i would have been more engaged in this. It's hard for me to actually judge if this book was good on a less subjective view because this book very much just wasnt my kind of book I much prefer reading for enjoyment than learning.

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