Iron Widow - Xiran Jay Zhao
source I found this book to be fast-paced with a perfect blend of action, fantasy, sci-fi, romance, and comedy. I listened to the…
why are you reading this
source I found this book to be fast-paced with a perfect blend of action, fantasy, sci-fi, romance, and comedy. I listened to the…
source The story itself was written as a teenager's stream of consciousness, specifically a teenager with ADHD or some other…
https://images.squarespace- source What a saga, in terms of both my reading experience and the myriad of hardships these seamen…
Some light breakfast things that I can thing of is like: Greek yogurt and fruit or berries (nuts optional or other additives like honey) Cottage cheese and fruit Hardboiled…
I might have made my finest batch of lentil dahl yet. I don't know what I did that was so different, but it has so much more depth of flavor, it's more caramel colored than…
source I really like how so many throwaway lines get important further down the line. How the Dilemma can drive…
source LTC has been doing really well recently because it will likely get an ETF first this year. I think that would…
Low calories doesn't mean low energy, not all calories are created equal. Carbs are great energy, fat is even more energy but much slower to give it to you, and protein is more…
https://is1- source I finally finished Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth and it was a ride. One of the…
Good news everybody. Turns out you can diet without starving yourself. Volume is good, it makes you feel more satisfied and prevents your body from going into starvation mode and…