Heart puzzle

They say life is full of pain and that the world is a cruel place. Well, I can't disagree with that since I can testify to it.

Crying to bed everyday over someone that is happily living his life. Regretting ever meeting the same person that was once a source of my joy; those once good memories have now become nothing but horrible torments.

That was the situation I found my self in after he left without a reason. I grieved, infact I was tired of living, everything reminded me of him, it seemed like the universe had plotted against me. Even my tears was tired of flowing.

My friends proved very useful as they consoled and cheered me on. They sacrificed everything they could to see me back on my feet.

I promised to hate him for life, I promised never to be in the same space with him again. Infact, I promised never to love again.


Image by Belinda Fewings from Unsplash

Everyone feels that way after a heart break right? So, mine couldn't be any better.
And within a short while, I was already healing, I was moving on, I was beginning to forget.


He returned
He pleaded
He wanted me back.
I know you all expect me to spit at him.
Well, I did not.
Yes, you heard me right, I did not.
Instead, I cried again.
But this time, the tears did not come with hatred, it came with confusion.
With the confusion of going back or telling him off.
Oh God! 🤦‍♀️

I couldn't even say mean words to him.
I love him that much.
I care for him that much.
I respect him that much.
That even after the incident, I still couldn't be harsh to him.
I still couldn't tell him all those words that have been dying to come out.

A part of me really want to spit at him, slap him, kick him and tell him all the mean words on earth.
But I couldn't
Instead I was weak, with tears in my eyes and my brain consumed by confusion.
And naturally, questions came along with the confusion.

What if he does it again.
What if it is worst this time.
Although he promised he wouldn't.
But, can I even trust his words?
It's not like he promised to hurt me initially
Infact, he promised never to make me cry.
But he did 😔


Image by zohre nemati from unsplash

And when he wanted to do it, he did it without consideration.
So what is the guarantee that he would keep to his words this time.

What is the guarantee that I am not walking into a sharp blade.

But, on the other hand, what If he is truly a changed person?

Do I really want to want to miss the opportunity of being with him one more time?

Do I really want to miss the opportunity of recreating those good memories?

Do I really want to live with the questions of what would have happened if I had given him a chance?

Well, I might as well give him a chance and get the answers to these questions


If there is a situation in which our emotions and feelings seem to conflict, it is precisely when we go through a disappointment in love. This becomes a conflict in which we seem to be in the middle of everything, not knowing what to do or think.

The experience you share reveals the essence of the title, since at times like this our heart seems to be a puzzle that we do not know how to put together or where to place the pieces.

As you express it well, in the end everything depends on the decisions and the position we want to take in order to move forward 🙂

Thank you friend @eugenia7499 for sharing such experience through this publication 🙂

Greetings to you 👋👋👋👋


Certainly, these are heart puzzles. When your heart is confused and e carry you go where you no know, it can be confusing really, emotionally, psychologically and sometimes physically.

But, the funny thing is that no one will decide for you. It's your decision to make and every decision you make, you have to live with the responsibility. You cannot run away from it. If you go back to him and he breaks your heart once more, premium tears loading. Oh, and he'll come back again, and back to square one.

And if you say no, you'll continue living with the guilt and judging your decision... surely you'll be unsatisfied.

Well, which is better?

Sometimes, the heart does not have sense! Lol


Nothing has been more confusing that solving puzzles concerning the heart


I hope its not real life o 🥲


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Difficult situation that you express between the lines full of feelings. Moment of confusion and questions without certain answers. The only thing left to do is to reject everything or to think about trying again.


Love makes us childish... We want nothing other than the person we love and we may cry and weep all we want when they annoy us but we find it difficult to let them know because we are scared they will leave.... Love is strong.

I really hope we don't get to meet people that will break our heart


That's everyone's wish. But life doesn't always go that way.


that's true. ... Life has her own plans
Well, all we beg God is to help us


This girl you good reach like this 😳 You are a powerful writer Sis. I read every bit of it and wanted more. It was simply captivating! Thank you @eugenia7499🥰
