One or more: facing multiple tasks

Then it was called jack of all trade master of none but I guess that mindset came as a result of the economic was very much stable and money was in circulation that even the poor can afford a three square meal. So it was adviceable then that a person sticks to only one work or trade for professionalism. Though to be good at what a person those it is necessary to build on what one is good at but on a second thought, and looking at how the present economic grow from bad to worse everyday and it doesn't seem it's going to get better anytime soon sticking to just one career hmmm sorry to say but at the long run it's not going to be funny.

So left for me, I rather have a multiple source of income and even though it's gonna be stressful yes it sure will because both jobs needs a hundred percent maximum attention I still prefer it. Looking at the bright side of things, a multiple streams of career helps diversify my income, accumulate more assets and even build a bigger passive income streams. Having an investor mindset increases wealth and greater financial security over time. Oh my goodness! How pleasant it would be that whatever financial situation comes my way I am able to chest it.

One thing have come to know is that even the rich are crying in this economic. And as I began to do my research sometimes back, I found out most of the politicians and even the influencial men and women in the society have other side businesses they do. a few even said if not for their side hustle they would have gone bankrupt.

As of last year my brother started his crypto journey, though he had another source of generating money but he just learned crypto so it serves as his side hustle for him. He never really picked interest in it because it's either he loses money or gain but ever since this year, he picked more interest in the crypto world and decided to take it more serious after all it's either a person makes profit in a business or either lose his own capital. Ever since last two weeks he has been complaining how he has not been able to meet up to his daily expectations rather than being depressed of how the first is not working he began to invest more in the crypto market. After so many lose and little profit he kept pushing and just yesterday he did a trade and got a ten times profit of what was invested. This came as a surprise and my sad brother has been wearing a smiling face since yesterday. Not like he left the first business, no his still doing it because it is believe that when one trade doesn't work the other will definitely work out. So in conclusion having multiple source of career is a wise decision to make in this present time.

First Image
Second image is mine.

"Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents W118e3 multiple careers or just one. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts. 😍*

Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️


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Hey, I completely agree with you on this one. Having multiple sources of income is the way to go, especially in today's economy. Who knows what's going to happen next? It's like you said, even the rich are feeling the pinch. I'm glad to hear your brother is had some success with his crypto stuff and being willing to learn from his mistakes.


The economy is not smiling at all and man must survive no matter what. Yeah he sure did learn from his mistakes and thanks a lot for your warmth comment. 💕


One stream of income is not enough anymore. Multiple streams of income have become a necessity for survival because of the economic situation.


Absolutely true ma the economy is no longer smiling at us anymore and man needs to survive.


Multiple streams of income is surely the way to go. And some jobs can be a bit flexible so as not to stress one. All you need do is to find some suitable combination..


Yeah that's absolutely true and I also admire you alot, you are doing so great combining both fashion business, farming and also a blogger Weldon sis. 😊


Having multiple choices saves from financial stagnation, it is another way of exploring different fields


So true ma, it's indeed another way to explore and generate more income.

Thanks for stopping by🤗


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