Here’s why you want to fuck with HoloZing

One thing I always here when it comes to marketing is that you have to be different. That can be interpreted in many different ways. But the base interpretation is that there has to be something unique about you that’ll persuade or influence people to choose you over the several probably hundreds of customers out there.

In this post, I'll be talking about somethings that gives HoloZing an edge over web2 games, and even some web3 games. First things first...

It’s Web3-based - Play2earn

The world is slowly moving away from Web2 games that for the most part, take from your time and resource without offering nothing but temporary shots of dopamine.

In today's world, your time and attention are your biggest assets. Which is what not just web2-based games, but social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram and the likes leverage on. They bring the dopamine, you bring the time and attention. 🤝 AKA mindless, endless scrolling.

With Web3 alternatives like HoloZing, even if for nothing, your time is rewarded in crypto as you play.

Awesome Reliable Team

Talking about value and earning, it’ll be reckless not to consider the people behind the projects you get involved with in the world of web3. You want to be involved with project whose team knows their shit and are transparent, and that is exactly what HoloZing has.

The HoloZing game’s team compromises of people who we know and are familiar with on Hive. People leading reputable initiatives and others being our very own friends. Knowing the people who you’ll be putting your faith in just offers a bit of a ease of mind.

HoloZing Values Community & Community Input

If you’ve been following Holozing’s updates, you’ll agree that every step of the way, the HoloZing team tries to get feedback from it’s community. This is a sign of a project that actually cares about it’s community or users and works to give/provide the best user experience.

One of the most recent announcements from the HoloZing team is a call out for suggestions on Healer Traits ranging from accessories such as clothing, headwear, backgrounds, and others. These suggestions are going to be factored into the design of the various healers for the game. As generative NFTs, the community’s suggestions will influence the design of the in-game healers.

Early adoption bonus

Many people (myself included) complained about how they missed good projects in the cryptoverse. Opportunies like buying BTC in the very early days would've been phenomenal! But that’s the beauty of it. It was early, and not many people saw the potential BTC had.

Narrowing down to Hive itself, I’m pretty sure there are many people who wished they had found out and started playing games like Splinterlands sooner. Well, here’s your chance to find out and play HoloZing sooner before it goes bonkers!

Different earning options

I think the misconception about HoloZing is that it’s just a game. Yeah, it’s a game, but it’s not JUST that!

HoloZing is built to provide different earning options for non-gamers for providing other services.

People who are not gamers or know nothing about gaming for instance can earn some $ZING simply by delegating HP to @ zingtoken. This is currently the plan most people are on as we wait to earn more by playing the game when it launches.

But even still, in the case that you’re someone that doesn’t have enough HP to delegate, there’s still the option of providing liquidity. I would argue that this is an even better option as the APR is much higher than for any other $ZING earning option. This is best for people who want to buy $ZING directly.

If all the above don’t apply to you, it’s interesting that you can still earn some $ZING even just by holding another token on Hive - POSH.

This is a scenario where you can appreciate the advantage of having a project team that is well connected. Seeing Acid’s involvement with POSH, it was easy to connect the two tokens ($ZING and POSH) by making it so that simply holding POSH gets you some staked $ZING dripped to your wallet. Who knows, maybe in the future, you get dripped another token for having staked $ZING in your wallet, which would imply that for having staked POSH, you earn two other tokens! You never know. And when that time comes, you better have a lot of $ZING staked!

Contest image is from @ holozing. All other images are from

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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