Weekend-engagement topics week# 169

Good day, to my wonderful and esteemed friends on weekend-engagement community it's a lovely day and actually a new month as well.

  1. What things would you like to understand better? List one or two things and explain why and how you could go about gaining that understanding.

Actually I decided to pick up Options three reasons because there are alot of things happening in life specifically that I would love to know more better which is purpose and mandate I know some people while reading through my content they might be wondering what really triggered me on writing this.

But, Purpose and mandate has always been one of those things which I wanted knowing better while much younger even up till date I still want to Know more on the difference between it and mandate, Because sometimes people tend to misinterpret purpose for mandate.

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Some people says mandate and purpose alikely to be the same thing which is the more reasons I want to know more about, And so when you talk about mandate it's actually more complicated when people sees mandate as an official order or authority to do something being requested for to do, while purpose becomes the reason for which something is done or created for.

Thanks for reading and also sharing your lovely opinions on my post it's your friend @damsel001 do have a nice day and an amazing day and weekend as well.🤩😊👍🥰😍😁😘 Love you all plenty plenty.
