QUESTION OF THE WEEK SEASON 10.3 - What habits or addictions, both good and bad, have you developed and which you would like to get rid of?


Getting used to something may turn into an addiction because a person, by nature, does not like to change the things he used to, as he feels distress and withdrawal symptoms, even if this thing is not very important or influential in his life, but if he does not do it, he feels that there is something incomplete, so I When I read the title of the question of the week, I started thinking and found that I had a lot of habits that I developed and became part of my daily and weekly routine.

Unfortunately, these things that I do are not healthy, the first of which is eating fast food and also drinking a large amount of soft drinks, as I know that they affect the bones and that they are not good, but it has become a habit and routine when I am outside and after eating any food, I must drink soft drinks.

Such bad health habits are the most dangerous among the habits because they lead to obesity and lead to early aging symptoms. After I write this post, I will try to set a schedule for myself to overcome such bad habits and replace them with eating vegetables and fruits. I thought that it is okay to have a small box with some fruits instead of eating foods from outside that are full of oils and preservatives.

Another habit I have and it has become like an addiction is to sit in front of screens for hours, whether on a laptop or more than that on a mobile phone, as I sit listening to short videos on YouTube or play some games for hours. Getting rid of it, especially since the alternative to it is reading books, and compared to a smartphone, it has become boring.

Even when I think to read some articles, I read them through my laptop and find that I am in front of a screen again. I tried once to use the blue light filter but I found it annoying to be sitting in front of that yellow screen in reading mode.

In the end, I would like to say that the bad habits that develop with you day after day, you must first notice them in the beginning so that they do not turn into addiction, and if you reach that stage, you must first find an alternative to that bad habit, because it is difficult to cut it directly, where you will find yourself Very upset but everything comes gradually.

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And you, what do you think ?

Thank You


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Drinking too much of soft drinks can have negative effect especially being obese and I think replacing soft drinks with fruits or coffee/tea can be a good idea. When we are able to recognize those bad habit and work on improving, it will save us from being addicted to them. Thank you for your contribution to the QOTW

