Say No to Abortion! Abstinence solves the problem


It is not until you take a knife or use a gun on someone that you can be termed a murderer, Killing a harmless baby also makes you a murderer but can we blame those who engage in Abortion?


Many factors could lead to an unwanted pregnancy

Denial or rejected by the male: This is one of the most common reasons why ladies have an abortion when the man that impregnated them made it clear he does not want the child or some even reject being the one that impregnated them, to save themselves from being mock in the society, they do abortion.

Mistakes: In some cases, it could be a mistake between two young lovers that do not like using protection during sex as they don't seem to enjoy it and prefer the flesh to flesh, mistakes could happen even for those who think they are perfect when it comes to withdrawal method because pre cum could lead to pregnancy. So this is a situation whereby two lovers who are not ready nor do they have what it takes to take care of the child take the easy way out instead of bringing the child to suffer yet still Abortion is a sin in my opinion but there is a part I find confusing.

In my research on Google, I learned that the first 2 months when a woman conceived, the baby is still an embryo and it is not until the third month that it will turn into an embryo which will develop into a baby, so Am just wondering if abortion in the first 2 month is taking a life when the baby does not have a life yet... I am open to answers from anyone who knows better about this.


Lack of Money: I have mentioned a part of this above but it is not only young lovers that do an abortion, even married couples engage in abortion and sometimes it could be because of the additional responsibilities in the family and we all know how hard it is to raise a child now in this economy where everything is inflated and enough income is not flowing.

The thought of a child scares some people because they just can't think of the expenses that will come with it and how it will affect their life so this could make them take a desperate measure and terminate the baby.

Family planning does not look to be a good option because of the side effects, There was a time I wanted to do this for my wife and the nurse didn't mention the side effects but luckily while she was gisting us , she mentioned the two people she gave the injection and how one of them was just getting fat and the other one only had irregular period... Right at that moment, I told her we don't want the injection anymore, she knew she had fucked up with the gist but I will be so mad at her if I started seeing side effect only after she took it if she didn't mention it... So I don't see family planning as a good way to protect oneself from getting pregnant.

Nothing justify abortion though and it is not a right thing to do in my own opinion, there is a solution to every reason and factors I listed up there which is Abstinence! If you do not have money to take care of a child, why will you even think of getting married, as young lovers, there is no assurance you will get married to each other, stop Fornication.... Say no to Abortion, Abstinence solves the problem!

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Great awareness big brother. Definitely say no to abortion. Abortion is a tough topic to be honest. I believe every life counts, even in the early stages. But yeah, it's complicated. Abstinence could save lots of trouble though.


But no one want to abstain, the urge to do it is always there😀


You're absolutely right on that big brother.. let's all be honest to ourselves, nobody really wants to abstain 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Well, abortion in the first two months is complicated. We can say it is not a baby yet but let’s not forget that there is something breathing inside of the person


yea so let just say abortion is wrong


Can we call getting pregnant a mistake?
For me is no mistake because unless under rape sex is an intentional act and everyone who get involves in sex knows the outcome might be pregnancy, even that a second matters because no one can create even the little part of life.

I don't support abortion.

Great article.


Yeah, it is no mistake because everyone knows the result of not using protection.

I concur, abortion is wrong!


Yes and it's complications are not little, thanks for stopping by
