A Night to Remember: Family Dinner at Our Son’s Culinary School


So, yesterday my wife @Nathalie-s, our daughter, and I did something pretty awesome. We went to this special family dinner at the restaurant where our son is training to be the next Gordon Ramsay (minus the yelling, hopefully). The evening? Let’s just say it was one for the history books—great food, even better company, and enough pride to fuel a rocket.

From the moment we stepped into the school’s restaurant, it was like walking into a foodie heaven. The place had this vibe, you know? Cozy, yet classy. You could tell the students, our son included, had poured their hearts and souls into making this night unforgettable. The ambiance was perfect—a mix of elegance and comfort, kind of like a tuxedo onesie.

As we got comfy at our table, we were hit with this incredible aroma that promised an amazing meal ahead. The menu, crafted by the culinary wizards-in-training, was a work of art. Each dish told a story—one of hard work, creativity, and a bit of kitchen magic.

First up were the appetizers. Let me tell you, they were like a flavor explosion in our mouths. Nailed it! Watching our son whip up the drinks with such confidence and flair, I couldn’t help but swell with pride. It’s mind-blowing to see him evolve, not just as a chef but as a human pursuing his dream. If this was a sitcom, cue the heartfelt background music right about now.

The main course arrived, and it was nothing short of spectacular. The textures, the flavors, the way it was plated—everything was on point. Every bite was a reminder of the hours and passion that went into making this meal. This wasn’t just food, folks; it was a culinary love letter. A diamond of hare on a bed of asparagus!

The company? Top-notch. Sharing this experience with other proud families and the ever-supportive staff added another layer of awesomeness to the night. Conversations flowed, laughter echoed, and it felt like one big, happy foodie family reunion.

And then, dessert. Oh. My. God. (Imagine that in Chandler Bing’s voice.) The desserts were the cherry on top of an already fantastic evening—sweet, intricate, and executed to perfection. We savored every last bite, marveling at the talent these young chefs are developing.

As we left the restaurant, our hearts and stomachs were full. It was a celebration of our son’s hard work and the amazing support from his school. It reminded us how important it is to chase your dreams and enjoy the ride along the way.

So, to wrap it up, our night at the culinary school’s restaurant was unforgettable. Amazing food, great company, and a whole lot of pride for our future chef made it truly special. Here’s to more nights like this—filled with joy, laughter, and delicious memories!

Want to read anither version? Head on over to @nathalie-s her experience of the evening!

Shot with iPhone 14 Pro Max, edit with Adobe LR using my own presets (you can get them too soon!).
All photos are taken by me. If you want to know more, head to beheydt.be/en/photography or shor.by/BjB for more info.

Check out https://shor.by/BBphoto to see all the gear I’m using

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My good friend Spending time with family like this is truly priceless. Those simple, joyful moments create the best memories.


It sure is indeed!!! And grateful for it! 🙏😉


Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency


Thank you very much!!! Appreciated!! 🙏😉


You paint a glorious picture of your evening, @borniet! I'm glad that it was such an exquisite experience on so many levels! I'll pop over to your wife's post, to see her perspective on it! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙


Thank you! 🙏 😊 Yeah, sure was quite nice!


Sure thing, you're very welcome! Beautiful! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙
